Tribal Documents
This section provides tribal members access to the tribe’s major administrative documents, including the tribal constitution, trust bylaws, and memorandum of agreement between the Delaware Tribe and Cherokee Nation following the reinstatement of federal recognition. It also includes results of recent tribal elections.
Constitution and Trust Documents
- Delaware Constitution
- Trust Document (approved by referendum vote, Nov 2, 2013)
- Cherokee-Delaware Memorandum of Agreement
Ordinances and Acts
- Family and Domestic Relations Code
- Tribal Council Code of Ethics
- Tribal Seal Protection Ordinance (as amended Jan 3, 2016)
- Delaware Tribal Seal Application for Use
- Enrollment Act of 2001
- Delaware Tribe of Indians Secured Transactions Act
- Resolution 2013-44, Concerning Changes to Enrollment Act
- Resolution 2015-14, Concerning Further Changes to Enrollment Act
- Housing Ordinance
Petition from Membership
Documents Related to Purchase of Kansas Property
Audit Reports
- 2018 Trust Board Audit
- 2015 Tribe Audit Report
- 2015 Trust Audit Report
- 2014 Tribe Audit Report
- 2014 Trust Audit Report
- 2013 Audit Report
- Comments by Auditors Accompanying 2013 Audit Report
Passed Tribal Council Resolutions
- Resolution 2025-09 November 20, To Approve Tribal Membership Through November 15, 2024
- Resolution 2025-10 November 20, To Approve Disenrollment of Tribal Member
- Resolution 2025-11 November 20, To Appoint Check Signers for the Delaware Tribe of Indians’ BancFirst Accounts
- Resolution 2025-12 December 18, To Approve Tribal Membership Through December 12, 2024
- Resolution 2025-13 December 18, To Apply for the FY25 Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside (TVSSA) Grant
- Resolution 2025-15 December 18, To Apply for the FY25 Family Violence Prevention and Services Domestic Violence Shelter and Supportive Services Grants to Native Americans (FVPSA)
- Resolution 2025-17 December 18, To Approve the ARPA Interagency Agreement Between Tribal Council and ARPA Office
- Resolution 2025-18 December 18, To Approve the ARPA IAA between Tribal Council and Administration for the Purposes of Obligating the Lenape Seed Garden
- Resolution 2025-19 December 18, To Approve the ARPA IAA between Tribal Council and Enrollment for the Purposes of Enrollment Projects
- Resolution 2025-20 December 18, To Approve the ARPA IAA between Tribal Council and Food Pantry for the Purposes of Enhancing the Food Pantry Program
- Resolution 2025-21 December 18, To Approve the ARPA IAA between Tribal Council and Family & Children Services
- Resolution 2025-26 February 26, To Approve Tribal Membership through February 19, 2025
- Resolution 2025-27 February 26, To Approve the FY25 OVW Transitional Housing Assistance Grant Application for FCS
- Resolution 2025-28 February 26, To Certify Cray Regis Bauxmont-Flynn as a Delaware Artist
- Resolution 2025-32 February 26, To Apply to the National Parks Service Tribal Historic Preservation Office Grant from the NPS to Finance the THPO Program
- Resolution 2025-33 February 26, To Apply to the Tribal Heritage Grant from the National Park Service to finance Delaware Cultural Heritage Site Survey
- Resolution 2025-35 February 26, To Apply to the Native American Library Services Basic Grant from ILMS to Support the Continued Function of Public Archival Materials and Traditional Storytelling Initiative
Trust Board Resolutions
- Resolution 2023-01
- Resolution 2023-02
- Resolution 2023-03
- Resolution 2023-04
- Resolution 2023-06
- Resolution 2023-07
- Resolution 2023-08
Archived Resolutions (Click on year to expand)
- Resolution 2024-01
- Resolution 2024-02
- Resolution 2024-03
- Resolution 2024-04
- Resolution 2024-05
- Resolution 2024-06
- Resolution 2024-07
- Resolution 2024-08
- Resolution 2024-09 (Failed)
- Resolution 2024-10
- Resolution 2024-11
- Resolution 2024-12
- Resolution 2024-13
- Resolution 2024-14
- Resolution 2024-15
- Resolution 2024-16
- Resolution 2024-17
- Resolution 2024-18
- Resolution 2024-19
- Resolution 2024-20
- Resolution 2024-21 (Failed)
- Resolution 2024-22
- Resolution 2024-23
- Resolution 2024-24
- Resolution 2024-25
- Resolution 2024-26
- Resolution 2024-28
- Resolution 2024-29
- Resolution 2024-31 February 28, To Apply for Fast-41 ERIF from the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council Executive Director to Finance Fast 41 Project Engagement
- Resolution 2024-32 February 28, To Utilize ARPA Funds for the Installation of Security Cameras in all Delaware Housing Department Neighborhoods
- Resolution 2024-34
- Resolution 2024-36
- Resolution 2024-37
- Resolution 2024-38
- Resolution 2024-39
- Resolution 2024-40
- Resolution 2024-41
- Resolution 2024-42
- Resolution 2024-43
- Resolution 2024-44
- Resolution 2024-45
- Resolution 2024-46
- Resolution 2024-59, May 22, To Authorize the Use of the Tribal Seal by Madeline Sanders on Behalf of the United American Indian Involvement, Inc.
- Resolution 2024-62
- Resolution 2024-63
- Resolution 2024-64
- Resolution 2024-65
- Resolution 2024-66
- Resolution 2024-67
- Resolution 2024-68
- Resolution 2024-69 June 26, To Approve Changes to the Family and Domestic Relations Code, Aritcle 4 Child Support to Bring Code Into Office of Child Support Services Compliance
- Resolution 2024-70
- Resolution 2024-71
- Resolution 2024-72
- Resolution 2024-73
- Resolution 2024-74
- Resolution 2024-75
- Resolution 2024-76, July 24, To Approve Tribal Membership Through July 3, 2024
- Resolution 2024-77, July 24, To Purchase 3 Vehicles for Childcare Programming
- Resolution 2024-78, July 24, To Approve the Family and Children Service Family Violence Prevention and Services Act 23VP Budget Modification #2
- Resolution 2024-79, July 24, To Approve the Purchase of Maintenance and Groundskeeping Equipment with the COVID-19 ARPA Revenue Replacement Funding
- Resolution 2024-80, July 24, To Approve the Submission of the FY 2025 Office of Child Support Services (OCSS), Child Support Grant
- Resolution 2024-81, July 24, To Amend ARPA Resolution 2024-67 To Increase Budget and Amend the Original Justification Form
- Resolution 2024-82, July 24, To Utilize COVID-19 ARPA Funding for Professional Development and Training
- Resolution 2024-83 (Failed), August 6, To Authorize the Use of the Tribal Seal for the Giving Machine Initiative
- Resolution 2024-84, August 13, To Utilize Covid-19 ARPA-SLFRF Funds to Upgrade Tribal Website
- Resolution 2024-85, August 28, To Approve Tribal Membership Through August 28, 2024
- Resolution 2024-89, August 28, To Utilize LATCF to Purchase Equipment for Tribal Record Preservation
- Resolution 2023-01
- Resolution 2023-03
- Resolution 2023-04
- Resolution 2023-05
- Resolution 2023-06
- Resolution 2023-07
- Resolution 2023-08
- Resolution 2023-09
- Resolution 2023-10
- Resolution 2023-11
- Resolution 2023-12
- Resolution 2023-13
- Resolution 2023-14
- Resolution 2023-15
- Resolution 2023-16
- Resolution 2023-17
- Resolution 2023-18
- Resolution 2023-19
- Resolution 2023-20
- Resolution 2023-21
- Resolution 2023-22
- Resolution 2023-23
- Resolution 2023-24
- Resolution 2023-25
- Resolution 2023-26
- Resolution 2023-27
- Resolution 2023-28
- Resolution 2023-29
- Resolution 2023-30
- Resolution 2023-31
- Resolution 2023-32
- Resolution 2023-33
- Resolution 2023-34
- Resolution 2023-35
- Resolution 2023-36
- Resolution 2023-37
- Resolution 2023-38
- Resolution 2023-39
- Resolution 2023-40
- Resolution 2023-41
- Resolution 2023-42
- Resolution 2023-43
- Resolution 2023-47
- Resolution 2023-48
- Resolution 2023-49
- Resolution 2023-50
- Resolution 2023-51
- Resolution 2023-52
- Resolution 2023-53
- Resolution 2023-54
- Resolution 2023-55
- Resolution 2023-56
- Resolution 2023-58
- Resolution 2023-60
- Resolution 2023-61
- Resolution 2023-62
- Resolution 2023-63
- Resolution 2023-64
- Resolution 2023-65
- Resolution 2023-66
- Resolution 2023-67
- Resolution 2023-68
- Resolution 2023-69
- Resolution 2023-70
- Resolution 2023-71
- Resolution 2023-72
- Resolution 2023-73
- Resolution 2023-74
- Resolution 2023-75
- Resolution 2023-76
- Resolution 2023-77
- Resolution 2023-78
- Resolution 2023-79
- Resolution 2023-80
- Resolution 2023-81
- Resolution 2023-82
- Resolution 2023-83
- Resolution 2023-84
- Resolution 2023-86
- Resolution 2023-88
- Resolution 2023-89
- Resolution 2023-90
- Resolution 2023-91
- Resolution 2023-92
- Resolution 2023-94
- Resolution 2023-120
2022 Trust Board Resolutions
- Resolution 2022-01, January 15, To approve tribal membership through January 3, 2022
- Resolution 2022-02, February 19, Regarding legislation relating to certain trust funds still held by the United States in which the tribe and its members have an interest
- Resolution 2022-03, February 19, Approving the creation of Tahkox e2 Services, LLC as a subsidiary of Delaware Tribe Holding Company, LLC
- Resolution 2022-04, February 19, To name the committee member “E” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2022-05, February 19, To authorize and approve a service agreement with an HR consulting firm
- Resolution 2022-06, February 19, To approve tribal membership through February 11, 2022
- Resolution 2022-07, March 19, To approve tribal membership through March 10, 2022
- Resolution 2022-08, March 19, Opposing the use of all race-based Native American/ American Indian/ Indian logos, mascots, and names by schools, colleges, universities, athletic teams, and organizations
- Resolution 2022-09, April 16, Authorizing the submission of the FY21 funding application for Family Violence Prevention and Services Act American Rescue Plan grants to support survivors of sexual assault
- Resolution 2022-10, April 16, Authorizing the submission of the FY21 grant funding application for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act American Rescue Plan Covid-19 testing, vaccines, and mobile health units access supplemental funding
- Resolution 2022-11, March 19, Authorizing ongoing submissions for the standing announcement Family Violence Prevention and Services Domestic violence shelter and supportive services grants to Native American tribes
- Resolution 2022-12, March 19, Authorizing the submission for the FY22 Victims of Crime Act funding
- Resolution 2022-13, March 19, Authorizing the submission for the FY22 Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Tribal Victim Services Set Aside (TVSSA) formula grant program funding
- Resolution 2022-14, March 19, To approve a down payment home owner assistance program through ARPA funding
- Resolution 2022-15, March 19, To approve Covid healthcare & long term recovery costs program through ARPA funding
- Resolution 2022-16, March 19, To approve a work training aid program through ARPA funding
- Resolution 2022-17, March 19, To approve a home repair program through ARPA funding
- Resolution 2022-18, March 19, To approve Covid-19 compliance support
- Resolution 2022-19, March 19, To adopt the United States Treasury American Rescue Plan Act Final Rule
- Resolution 2022-20, March 19, To adopt the United States Treasury American Rescue Plan Act standard allowance of revenue loss
- Resolution 2022-21, March 19, To develop a task force to identify, assess, reclaim and implement traditional Lenape foods, medicines, and lifeways
- Resolution 2022-22, April 16, Authorizing the submission of a Safe Access for Victims’ Economic Security (SAVES) demonstration grant
- Resolution 2022-23, April 16, To approve tribal membership through April 7, 2022
- Resolution 2022-24, April 16, To approve amendments to the Delaware Tribe of Indians Enrollment Department policies and procedures
- Resolution 2022-25, May 21, To Re-establish a full-time salaried Assistant Chief’s office
- Resolution 2022-26, May 21, To certify Kenneth A. Brown as a Delaware Tribal Artist
- Resolution 2022-27, May 21, To submit a tribal early head start grant for 2023
- Resolution 2022-28, May 21, To secure services for enrollment enhancement software and applications
- Resolution 2022-29, May 21, To approve budget for costs associated with tribal owned quarantine housing unit
- Resolution 2022-30, May 21, To approve budget for costs associated with remote work for employees
- Resolution 2022-31, May 21, To approve budget for building improvements
- Resolution 2022-32, May 21, To approve budget for bank fees
- Resolution 2022-33, May 21, To approve budget for ARPA office
- Resolution 2022-34, May 21, To approve budget for compliance and attorney fees
- Resolution 2022-35, May 21, To enter into a contract with Cynthia Burlison to provide legal services for DV victims/survivors
- Resolution 2022-36, May 21, Authorizing the ongoing submission of applications for the FY 2023 & 2024 US HHS Title IV-B subpart 1 & subpart 2 grant funding
- Resolution 2022-37, May 21, Authorizing the ongoing submission of applications for the FY 2023 & 2024 OKDHS Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) tribal project grant
- Resolution 2022-38, May 21, To approve tribal membership through May 12, 2022
- Resolution 2022-39, May 21, To support and develop methods for tracking, support, and helping Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIWP)
- Resolution 2022-40, June 18, To approve tribal membership through June 9, 2022
- Resolution 2022-41, June 18, To approve budget for ARPA work ready program
- Resolution 2022-42, June 18, To submit a Tribal Early Head Start COLA grant for 2023
- Resolution 2022-43, July 16, To approve tribal membership through July 7, 2022
- Resolution 2022-44, July 16, To transfer nine bank accounts to International Bank of Commerce and open one new account with Arvest
- Resolution 2022-45, July 16, To authorize the use of the Tribal Seal by Winters Publishing
- Resolution 2022-46, July 16, To authorize the use of the Tribal Seal by Colby Artherton
- Resolution 2022-47, July 16, Calling for an amendment to the Constitution at Article VI, Sections 3 and 4 to make the position of Assistant Chief an elected position
- Resolution 2022-48, July 16, Authorizing the submission of the FY23 Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), child support grant
- Resolution 2022-49, August 20, To approve tribal membership through August 11, 2022
- Resolution 2022-50, August 20, To adopt the proposed FY23 Budgets – Block One
- Resolution 2022-51, September 17, Approve tribal membership through August 11
- Resolution 2022-52, September 17, FAILED To adopt the proposed FY 2023 tribal budgets
- Resolution 2022-53, September 17, To Open 2 new accounts at IBC Bank
- Resolution 2022-54, September 17, Disenrollment
- Resolution 2022-55, September 17 ,To amend resolution 2022-15 Covid Healthcare & Long Term Recovery Costs Program Budget
- Resolution 2022-56, September 17, To Withdraw 2 Certificates of Deposit and Invest w With Edward Jones
- Resolution 2022-57
- Resolution 2022-58
- Resolution 2022-59
- Resolution 2022-60
- Resolution 2022-61
- Resolution 2022-62
- Resolution 2022-63
- Resolution 2022-64
- Resolution 2022-65
- Resolution 2022-66
- Resolution 2022-67
- Resolution 2022-68
- Resolution 2022-69
- Resolution 2022-70
- Resolution 2022-71
- Resolution 2022-72
- Resolution 2022-73
- Resolution 2022-74
- Resolution 2022-75 (Delaware Tribe of Indians Secured Transactions Act)
- Resolution 2022-76
- Resolution 2022-77
- Resolution 2022-78
- Resolution 2022-79
- Resolution 2022-80
- Resolution 2022-81
- Resolution 2022-82
- Resolution 2022-83
- Resolution 2022-84
- Resolution 2022-85
- Resolution 2022-86
- Resolution 2022-87
- Resolution 2022-88
- Resolution 2022-89
- Resolution 2022-90
- Resolution 2022-91
- Resolution 2022-92
- Resolution 2022-93
- Resolution 2021-01, Jan 16, To approve disenrollment of tribal members
- Resolution 2021-02, Jan 16, To approve tribal membership for January 16, 2021
- Resolution 2021-03, Feb 27, To amend title 27 of the laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, know as the Insurance Company Act
- Resolution 2021-04, Feb 27, To amend title 18 of the laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, know as the Business Corporation Act
- Resolution 2021-05, Feb 27, to recind resolution no. 2013-10 and to authorize the Domicile to accept electronic signatures and forms
- Resolution 2021-06, Feb 27, To recind resolution no. 2013-11
- Resolution 2021-07, Feb 27, To recind resolution no. 2013-22a
- Resolution 2021-08, Feb 27, To recind resolution no. 2014-33
- Resolution 2021-09, Feb 27, To certify Leslie Renee Jerden as a Delaware tribal artist
- Resolution 2021-10, Feb 27, To approve tribal membership for November 21, 2020
- Resolution 2021-11, Jan 20, To appoint Jeremy Johnson and Levi Randoll as representatives for the Delaware Tribe of Indians to combat corporations posing as Indigenous Nations (CPAIN) (Rescinded November 19, 2022)
- Resolution 2021-12, Mar 20, To approve tribal membership for March 20, 2021
- Resolution 2021-13, Mar 20, To appoint boardmembers and check signers for Tahkox e2 at BancFirst
- Resolution 2021-14, Mar 20, To establish signature authority on BIA form 4432 (Rescinded December 17, 2022)
- Resolution 2021-15, Mar 20, To establish signature authority on Eagle parts applications (Rescinded December 17, 2022)
- Resolution 2021-16, ? 20, To enter into a contract of services with IBM for the creation of a bespoke client management software solution
- Resolution 2021-17, Feb 27, To contract with Linda KillsCrow
- Resolution 2021-18, April 17, To appoint check signers for Delaware Tribe of Indians CD with BancFirst
- Resolution 2021-19, April 17, To approve the 2021 hazard duty pay policy
- Resolution 2021-20, April 17, To approve tribal membership for April 17, 2021
- Resolution 2021-21, April 17, To release enrollment status of tribal members April 17, 2021 (corrected)
- Resolution 2021-22, April 17, To establish a full-time, salaried Assistant Chief’s office (corrected)
- Resolution 2021-23, May 17, To approve tribal membership for May 15, 2021
- Resolution 2021-24, June 19, Authorizing the submission of a funding application under the FY20 family violence prevention and services/domestic violence shelter and supportive services grants
- Resolution 2021-25, June 19, To approve tribal membership for June 19, 2021
- Resolution 2021-26, July 17, To approve tribal membership for July 17, 2021
- Resolution 2021-27, July 17, To authorize Civicus Group, LLC to submit the state small business credit Iniative (SBCI) submission
- Resolution 2021-28, July 17, Adopting the Delaware Tribe of Indians tribal housing ordinance
- Resolution 2021-29, Aug 21, To authorize a grant application under the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program on, or before the deadline of September 1, 2021
- Resolution 2021-30, Aug 21, To approve tribal membership through August 13, 2021
- Resolution 2021-31, Aug 21, To renew the existing aid to tribal government contract A17AV00762 for period beginning October 1, 2021
- Resolution 2021-32, Aug 21, To ratify the July 19, 2021 poll vote approving the EHS continuation grant for FY2021
- Resolution 2021-33, FAILED, To establish an economic board of directors for Tahkox e2 and subsequent small business 8A companies
- Resolution 2021-34, Sept 18, To confirm acting Chief Brad KillsCrow as Chief of the Delaware Tribe of Indians
- Resolution 2021-35, Oct 23, To fill a vacancy on the Tribal Council under Article VII of the constitution and bylaws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians
- Resolution 2021-36, Sept 18, To approve selections to the board of directors for Delaware Tribe Holding Company, LLC
- Resolution 2021-37, Sept 18, To name the committee member “A” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2021-38, Sept 18, To name the committee member “B” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2021-39, Sept 18, To name the committee member “C” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2021-40, Sept 18, To extend the existing climate resilience program contract A17AV00480 for 2 years
- Resolution 2021-41 (Failed), Oct 23, To require all tribal employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
- Resolution 2021-42, Sept 18, To approve tribal membership through September 9, 2021
- Resolution 2021-43, Sept 9, To approve an application by the Delaware Tribe of Indians Housing Department for ICDBG-ARP phase 1 grant
- Resolution 2021-44, Sept 18, To appoint board members and check signers for the Tahkox e2 accounts at BancFirst
- Resolution 2021-45, Sept 18, To appoint check signers for the Delaware Tribe of Indians’ accounts at BancFirst
- Resolution 2021-46, Sept 18, To authorize and approve the conversion of an existing house from low rent to mutual help
- Resolution 2021-47, Oct 23, To enter into a contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to administer the housing improvement funds, as made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R.1319) beginning August 2021
- Resolution 2021-48, Oct 23, To enter into a contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to administer the Aid to Tribal Government funds, as made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319) beginning August 2021
- Resolution 2021-49, Oct 23, To adopt the proposed fiscal year 2022 tribal budgets
- Resolution 2021-50, Oct 23, To participate in the National Resource Center on Native American Aging’s Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment “Identifying our Needs: A Survey of Elders”
- Resolution 2021-51, Oct 23, To apply for Title VI Grant funding for Elder Nutrition Services, Older American Act, Parts A, B, and C
- Resolution 2021-52, Oct 23, To authorize and approve the YUP Proposal in the amount of $32,000.00 to be paid from the CARES funds
- Resolution 2021-53, Nov 20, To authorize and approve a proposal from Korbyt Anywhere for $100,000 and a one-time payment of $10,000
- Resolution 2021-54, Oct 23, To approve tribal membership through October 6, 2021
- Resolution 2021-55, Oct 23, To name the committee member “D” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2021-56 (Failed), Oct 23, To name the committee member “E” of the Delaware Tribe Housing Committee
- Resolution 2021-57, Nov 8, Approving the assignment of all membership interest in Tahkox e2 LLC to Delaware Tribe Holding Company, LLC and to amend the operating agreement for Tahkox e2, LLC
- Resolution 2021-58, Nov 20, Amending the Delaware Tribe of Indians Tribal Housing Ordinance
- Resolution 2021-59, Nov 20, Investing the American Rescue Plan Act Funds
- Resolution 2021-60 (Rescinded), Tribal Council Pennsylvania Travel Budget (RESCINDED)
- Resolution 2021-61(Failed), Nov 20, To require all tribal employees, elected officials, contractors and consultants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
- Resolution 2021-62, Nov 20, Approving the first amended operating agreement for Tahkox e2, LLC and appointment of officers/managers for Tahkox e2, LLC
- Resolution 2021-63
- Resolution 2021-64, Dec 18, To set regular tribal council meetings on the third Saturday of every month at 1 pm beginning January 15, 2022 (Rescinded December 17, 2022)
- Resolution 2021-65, Dec 18, To approve tribal membership through December 6, 2021
- Resolution 2020-01, Jan 18, To approve tribal membership for January 18, 2020
- Resolution 2020-02, Jan 18, Ratifying the contract between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and McNeil’s Accounting and Taxes
- Resolution 2020-03, Feb 15, To assume state historic preservation office functions on tribal lands pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act
- Resolution 2020-04, Tabled, To approve Forsythe Hall rental policy and procedures
- Resolution 2020-05, Feb 15, To approve tribal membership for February 15, 2020
- Resolution 2020-06, Feb 15, To amend procurement policy and procedures
- Resolution 2020-07, March 25, To approve tribal membership for March 21, 2020
- Resolution 2020-08, Failed, Concerning the utilization of the Delaware Tribal Court to maintain sovereignty and federal funds
- Resolution 2020-08B, Sept 19, Declaring a state of emergency in the Delaware Tribe of Indians effective March 17, 2020
- Resolution 2020-09, April 15, Requesting funding of the Delaware Tribal Court for 15% of the BIA/TJS funding received
- Resolution 2020-11, May 22, To submit an application for COLA, quality improvement, COVID for EHS-CCP and EHS expansion
- Resolution 2020-12, May 28, Authorizing the submission of an OVC FY20 emergency & transitional pet shelter & housing assistance grant program application
- Resolution 2020-13, May 28, Authorizing the submission of an OVC fiscal year 2020 tribal victim services set-aside formula program grant application
- Resolution 2020-14, June 20, To enter into an agreement with WCCCF to deliver child care services through CCDF
- Resolution 2020-15, June 30, Approving an application by the Delaware Tribe of Indians Housing department for ICDBG-CARES Grant
- Resolution 2020-16, July 18, To approve tribal membership for July 18, 2020
- Resolution 2020-17, July 18, To move funds from the BIA CARES ACT to ATG and lift restraints by regulations at 25 CFR part 20
- Resolution 2020-18, Aug 15, To approve tribal membership for August 15, 2020
- Resolution 2020-19, Aug 15, To authorize transfer of Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) to the Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
- Resolution 2020-19A, Sept 3, To authorize the Washington County Childcare Foundation to submit the 2021 application to the office of head start
- Resolution 2020-20, Sept 4, To enter into a Delegate agency agreement effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021, with WCCCF to operate the early head start partnership program
- Resolution 2020-21, Sept 19, Authorizing the submission of an OVW Fiscal Year 2020 COVID-19/Violence Against Women Grant Application
- Resolution 2020-22, Sept 19, To approve tribal membership for September 19, 2020
- Resolution 2020-23, Sept 19, Authorizing Constitutional Amendment for the Judicial to be voted in the November 7, 2020 Election
- Resolution 2020-24, Oct 17, To approve a strategic plan for the Delaware Tribe Cultural Center
- Resolution 2020-25, Oct 17, To approve tribal membership for October 17, 2020
- Resolution 2020-26, Nov 21, To approve tribal membership for November 21, 2020
- Resolution 2020-27, Dec 19, To approve tribal membership for December 19, 2020
- Resolution 2019-01, Jan 19, To approve tribal membership for January 19, 2019
- Resolution 2019-02, Jan 19, To authorize signature authority to designated Tribal Council members
- Resolution 2019-03, Feb 16, To participate in nation-wide elder needs assessment
- Resolution 2019-04, Feb 16, To apply for Title VI grant for Elder Nutrition Services, Older American Act, Part A, B & C
- Resolution 2019-05, Feb 16, To establish signature authority on BIA forms 4432, Eagle parts applications and other documents of which certification of tribal enrollment, membership or blood quantum is required
- Resolution 2019-06, Feb 16, To approve tribal membership for February 11, 2019
- Resolution 2019-07, Feb 16, To assign new enrollment number to member
- Resolution 2019-08, Failed, To establish signature authority on BIA form 4432
- Resolution 2019-09, Feb 16, Authorizing the submission of a funding application under the FY20 Family Violence Prevention and Services/Domestic Violence Shelter and supportive services grants
- Resolution 2019-10, March 11, Authorizing the submission of the FY2019 U.S. Department of Justice coordinated tribal assistance solicitation grant
- Resolution 2019-11, March 16, To approve tribal membership for March 16, 2019
- Resolution 2019-12, March 16, To approve a local cooperation agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and Craig County, Oklahoma, and to authorize the Chief to execute said agreement
- Resolution 2019-13, March 16, To approve a local cooperation agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and Rogers County, Oklahoma, and to authorize the Chief to execute said agreement
- Resolution 2019-14, April 20, To apply for 2019 Native American Library services basic grant
- Resolution 2019-15, April 4, To approve and submit the request for proposed contract under the P.L. 93-638 Program
- Resolution 2019-16, April 20, To repeal resolution no. 2007-02, Known as the Delaware Tribe of Indians Enterprise Act of 2007, as amended on August 9, 2012
- Resolution 2019-17, April 20, To enter negotiations with Pickering Management, LLC
- Resolution 2019-18A, April 20, To approve tribal membership for April 20, 2019
- Resolution 2019-20, May 18, No title, approve tribal membership
- Resolution 2019-21, July 20, To the accounting policy and procedures
- Resolution 2019-22, June 15, No title, approve tribal membership
- Resolution 2019-23, July 20, Approving the submission of the book proposal “On the Turtle’s Back: Stories the Lenape told their Children,” to Rutgers University Press
- Resolution 2019-24, June 15, Establishing a tribal consultation policy for bilateral government-to-government relations with federal and state agencies
- Resolution 2019-25, June 15, To renew the existing Aid to Tribal Government contract A17AV00762 for period beginning October 1, 2019
- Resolution 2019-26, June 15, Approving an amendment to the arbitration section of the Edward Jones agreement and authorizing the Chief of the Delaware to execute the agreement
- Resolution 2019-27, June 15, To amend Title 27 of the laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, known as the Insurance Company Act
- Resolution 2019-28, June 15, To Title 18 of the laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, known as the Business Corporation Act
- Resolution 2019-29, June 15, To the laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, known as the Limited Liabilities Companies Act
- Resolution 2019-30, July 20, To appoint Allan Barnes to the position of Operations Manager of Tahkox e2
- Resolution 2019-31, June 19, Regarding release and distribution of funds relating to the federal “afterborn” action in the United State District Court for the district of Idaho
- Resolution 2019-32, June 28, To apply for the economic development feasibility study funding program
- Resolution 2019-33, July 20, To approve the submission of a cultural heritage grant application to the National Parks Service
- Resolution 2019-34, July 20, No title, to approve tribal membership
- Resolution 2019-35, July 20, to apply for the state of Oklahoma district attorneys council, 2020-2021 S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Grant
- Resolution 2019-36, July 20, To apply for the U.S. Department of Justice 2019 tribal victim services set-aside program grant
- Resolution 2019-37, July 20, To renew the existing Aid to Tribal Government contract for FY2020 Beginning October 1, 2019
- Resolution 2019-38, July 20, To extend the existing climate resilience program contract A17AV00480 for 2 years
- Resolution 2019-39, July 20, To approve Appendix A, Implementing the Relocation and Real Property Acquisition policy for Delaware Tribe Housing Program, and to authorize the Chief to execute said policy
- Resolution 2019-40, July 7, To approve the Delaware Tribe Housing Program’s self-monitoring policy and to authorize the Chief to execute said policy
- Resolution 2019-41, No date, to approve a local cooperation agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and Nowata County, Oklahoma, and to authorize the Chief to execute said agreement
- Resolution 2019-42, July 30, To authorize Ms. Linda KillsCrow to obtain necessary information from the Delaware Child Development Program in order to instruct the Delaware Tribal Council about their obligations of said program
- Resolution 2019-43, Sept 16, To authorize the submission of a grant application to the National Science Foundation
- Resolution 2019-45, Sept 9, To approve membership
- Resolution 2019-46, Sept 21, To submit an application to the American Philosophic Society for a 2019 Indigenous Community Research Fellowship
- Resolution 2019-47, Sept 17, To authorize Chief Chet Brooks to order an updated abstract for 3.13 acres of trust lands and to sign deed to purchase seven and a half adjoining acres and title insurance
- Resolution 2019-48, Oct 19, To approve tribal membership for October 19, 2019
- Resolution 2019-49, Oct 19, To approve the listed dates as official employee holidays for 2020 not to be superseded.
- Resolution 2019-50, Oct 19, To enroll as member of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
- Resolution 2019-51, Dec 21, To approve and authorize Chief Chet Brooks to sign deed placing land in trust of United States of America
- Resolution 2019-52, Nov 1, To enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma for the Delaware Tribe of Indians to operate the Delaware CCDF Program
- Resolution 2019-53, Nov 1, To give sixty days notice to the Washington County Child Care Foundation revoking the October 10, 2006 agreement and sign a new agreement
- Resolution 2019-54, Nov 16, To approve tribal membership for November 16, 2019
- Resolution 2019-55, Nov 8, To approve the submission of a Heritage Preservation Grant application to the Oklahoma Historical Society
- Resolution 2019-56, Dec 21, To approve tribal membership for December 21, 2019
- Resolution 2019-57, Dec 21, To approve and submit the request for proposed contract under the P.L. 93-638 Program
- Trust Board Resolution 2019-01
- Trust Board Resolution 2019-02
- Resolution 2018-01
- Resolution 2018-02
- Resolution 2018-03
- Resolution 2018-04
- Resolution 2018-05
- Resolution 2018-06
- Resolution 2018-07
- Resolution 2018-08
- Resolution 2018-09
- Resolution 2018-10
- Resolution 2018-11
- Resolution 2018-12
- Resolution 2018-13
- Resolution 2018-14
- Resolution 2018-15
- Resolution 2018-16
- Resolution 2018-17
- Resolution 2018-18
- Resolution 2018-19
- Resolution 2018-20
- Resolution 2018-21
- Resolution 2018-22
- Resolution 2018-23
- Resolution 2018-24
- Resolution 2018-25
- Resolution 2018-26
- Resolution 2018-27
- Resolution 2018-28
- Resolution 2018-29
- Resolution 2018-30
- Resolution 2018-32
- Resolution 2018-33
- Resolution 2018-34
- Resolution 2018-35
- Resolution 2018-36
- Resolution 2018-37
- Resolution 2018-38
- Resolution 2018-39
- Resolution 2018-41
- Resolution 2018-42
- Resolution 2018-43
- Resolution 2017-43
- Resolution 2017-42
- Resolution 2017-41
- Resolution 2017-40
- Resolution 2017-38
- Resolution 2017-37
- Resolution 2017-36
- Resolution 2017-35
- Resolution 2017-34
- Resolution 2017-33
- Resolution 2017-31
- Resolution 2017-30
- Resolution 2017-29
- Resolution 2017-28
- Resolution 2017-27
- Resolution 2017-26
- Resolution 2017-25
- Resolution 2017-24
- Resolution 2017-23
- Resolution 2017-22
- Resolution 2017-21
- Resolution 2017-20
- Resolution 2017-19
- Resolution 2017-18
- Resolution 2017-17
- Resolution 2017-16
- Resolution 2017-15
- Resolution 2017-14
- Resolution 2017-13
- Resolution 2017-12
- Resolution 2017-11
- Resolution 2017-10
- Resolution 2017-9
- Resolution 2017-8
- Resolution 2017-7
- Resolution 2017-6
- Resolution 2017-5
- Resolution 2017-4
- Resolution 2017-3
- Resolution 2017-2
- Resolution 2017-1,
- Resolution 2016-60, Dec 20, To Adopt an Investment Plan for the (THPO) Historic Preservation Section 106 Consultation Fees
- Resolution 2016-58, Dec 6, To Amend the Operating Agreement
- Resolution 2016-57, Dec 6, To Certify a Tribal Member as a Delaware Artist
- Resolution 2016-55, Dec 6, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-54, Nov 1, To Authorize Chief Chet Brooks to Sig Jail Services and Law Enforcement Agreements with Montgomery County, Kansas Agencies
- Resolution 2016-53, Nov 1, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-52, Oct 10, To Ensure Safe Keeping of All Tribal Documents
- Resolution 2016-51, Oct 10, To Certify a Tribal Member as a Delaware Artist
- Resolution 2016-50, Oct 4, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-49, Sept 20, Opposing the Plains All American Red River II Pipeline
- Resolution 2016-48, Sept 6, To Establish a Line of Credit at BancFirst for Tahkox e2, LLC Using Housing CD# 8434 as Collateral
- Resolution 2016-47, Sept 20, Calling for the Formation of a Truth and Reconsiliation Commission
- Resolution 2016-46, Sept 20, To Unite with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Against the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Resolution 2016-45, Aug 16, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-44, Aug 2, To Renew the Existing Aid to Tribal Government Contract for Period Beginning October 1, 2016
- Resolution 2016-43, Aug 2, To Authorize Contribution of Funds to Tahkox e2, LLC
- Resolution 2016-42, July 19, To Authorize the Boys & Girls Club of Chelsea to Participate and Accept Funding on Behalf of the Community from the Indian Health Service to Support the IHS Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative
- Resolution 2016-41, July 19, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-40, July 19, To Authorize the Submission of the FY2017 Child Support Enforcement Grant Budget
- Resolution 2016-39, June 7, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-38, June 7, Submit an Indian Community Development Block Grant for 2016
- Resolution 2016-37, June 7, Authorize the Use of the Tribal Seal by New York’s Department of Transportation
- Resolution 2016-36, June 7, Certify a Tribal Member as a Delaware Artist
- Resolution 2016-35
- Resolution 2016-34, May 17, Support Repatriation of Carlisle Indian Industrial School Children to Their Respective Tribal Nations
- Resolution 2016-33, May 17, Amend Section 6 of Tribal Membership Act
- Resolution 2016-32, May 17, Certify a Tribal Member as a Delaware Artist
- Resolution 2016-31, May 3, Requesting the USA for the Transfer of Land into Trust for Gaming Purposes in Leavenworth, KS and Authorizing Named Tribal Council Members to Execute All Documents Necessary to do so
- Resolution 2016-30, May 3, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-29, May 3, Approve Entering into a Contract with James Rattling Leaf to Prepare the Application to the BIA Climate Adaptation Planning Grant
- Resolution 2016-28, May 3, Apply for the 2016 BIA Climate Adaptation Planning Grant
- Resolution 2016-27, Apr 5, Confirming Attached MOA with NAEG and Authorizing Continued Screening and Purchasing Possibilities
- Resolution 2016-26, Apr 5, Request the USA Place Certain Lands into Trust for and on Behalf of the DTI and Authorizing Officials of the DT to Execute Documents Necessary to Such a Request
- Resolution 2016-25, Apr 5, Reaffirm the Status of the Delaware Latecomers
- Resolution 2016-24, Apr 5, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-23, Mar 15, Adopt an Investment Plan for the (THPO) Historic Preservation Section 106 Consultation Fees for Year One
- Resolution 2016-22, Mar 15, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-21, Mar 1, Modify the 20 Yr Long Range Transportation Plan for the Tribal Council of the DTI
- Resolution 2016-20, Mar 1, Authorize Use of the Tribal Seal by OK DHS
- Resolution 2016-18, Feb 16, Amend the Housing Participant Eligibility and Program Administration Policy
- Resolution 2016-17, Feb 16, Approve a Memorandum of Agreement with the Oklahoma Division of Child Support Services
- Resolution 2016-16, Feb 16, Approve a Memorandum of Agreement with the Kansas Department for Children and Families
- Resolution 2016-15, Feb 16, Establishing Signature Authority on BIA Forms 4432, Eagle Parts Applications and Other Documents of Which Certification of Tribal Enrollment, Membership or Blood Quantum is Required
- Resolution 2016-14, Feb 16, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-13, Feb 16, Approve an Investment Plan for the Development of a Lenape Cultural Center
- Resolution 2016-12, Feb 16, Suspend the Delaware Tribe of Indians’ Personnel Committee
- Resolution 2016-11, Feb 16, Submit an Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grant in 2016
- Resolution 2016-10, Feb 2, Show Appreciation for the Efforts of the Kansas University Law School Working on the Tribe’s Constitution Revision
- Resolution 2016-08, Feb 2, Authorizing Submission of a Grant Proposal to the Tides Foundation, Administered by the MICA Group
- Resolution 2016-07, Feb 2, Authorize Tom Julian to Continue Work with the Dept. of Interior to Establish the Tribe’s Historical Connection and Rights to the Brotherton Reservation in New Jersey
- Resolution 2016-06, Feb 2, Rename the Delaware Enterprise Authority and Approve Amendments of Charter with the Appointments of Members to Follow Thereafter
- Resolution 2016-05, Feb 2, Rescinding Resolution 2016-003, Re-establishing Regular Tribal Council Meetings to the First and Third Tuesdays of the Month at 530 P.M.
- Resolution 2016-04, Jan 26, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2016-003, Jan 5, Establish Regular Tribal Council Meetings Every Tuesday Evening at 530 PM Beginning January 12, 2016
- Resolution 2016-2, Jan 5, Establish an Unbiased and Objective Editorial Board
- Resolution 2016-1, Jan 5, Approve the Predevelopment Expense and Consultant Agreement for Hydroponic Development
- Resolution 2015-68, Dec 15, Establish That Meetings Return to Once a Month during the Third Tuesday of the Month
- Resolution 2015-67, Dec 15, Establish an Unbiased and Objective Editorial Board for the Delaware Indian News and Other Electronic-Social Media Under the Secretary
- Resolution 2015-66, Dec 15, Comply with Department of Interior Best Practices to Use Section 106 Fees in Support of Historic and Culture Preservation
- Resolution 2015-65, Dec 15, Change the Designation of the Listed Houses from Mutual Help Housing to Rental Units
- Resolution 2015-64, Dec 15, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-63, Dec 1, Establish the Process for Submitting Meeting Minutes
- Resolution 2015-62, Dec 1, Establish a Social Media Position
- Resolution 2015-61, Nov 17, Commemorate the Last of Our Delaware Full-Blood Traditional Elders
- Resolution 2015-60, Nov 17, Honor the Service and Dedication to the Tribe by Tribal Member Janifer Brown
- Resolution 2015-59, Nov 3, Submit an Application for Americorps National Civilian Community Corps
- Resolution 2015-58, Nov 3, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-57, Oct 7, Approve the Declaration of Indigenous People’s Day to Replace What the Government Recognizes as Columbus Day
- Resolution 2015-56, Oct 7, Approve Membership in NCAI YR 2015-2016
- Resolution 2015-55, Oct 7, To Oppose Fabricated Delaware Tribes, Groups and Indians
- Resolution 2015-54, Oct 7, Submit an Indian Community Development Block Grant for 2015
- Resolution 2015-53, Oct 7, To Amend Housing Resolution 2015-12
- Resolution 2015-52, Oct 7, Implementation of the Lenape Cultural Center Planning Grant
- Resolution 2015-51, Oct 7, Implement the Line of Authority and Responsibility of the Delaware Tribal Goverment
- Resolution 2015-50, Oct 7, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-49, Oct 7, To Amend the Tribal Membership Act to Include Procedures for Disenrollment
- Resolution 2015-48, Nov 7, Amend Resolution 2014-53 Anti-Nepotism Policy/li>
- Resolution 2015-47, Sep 15, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-46, Sep 10, Lenape Language Grant Submission
- Resolution 2015-45, Sep 1, Deny Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-44, Oct 7, Amend Resolution 2014-53 Anti-Nepotism Policy
- Resolution 2015-43, Aug 18, Loan to the Kialegee Tribal Town the Delaware Tribe of Indians BIA Roads Money
- Resolution 2015-42, Aug 18, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-41, Aug 4, Approve Section 106 Fees to Administer Consultations Under the National Historic Preservation Act
- Resolution 2015-40, Jul 20, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-39, Jul 20, Authorize the Submission of the FY2016 Child Support Enforcement Grant Budget
- Resolution 2015-38, Jul 20, To Change the Fiscal Year End for the Housing Program
- Resolution 2015-37, Jul 7, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-36, Jun 16, Authorize the Filing of an Amendment to the Articles of Organization for Tahkox e2 LLC
- Resolution 2015-35, Jun 16, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-32, May 19, Support the Bureau of Indian Affairs Rule for the Indian Child Welfare Act
- Resolution 2015-31, May 19, Show Support for Tribal Member Hayden Griffith
- Resolution 2015-30, May 19, Submit Application for a FY2015 NAGPRA Repatriation Grant
- Resolution 2015-29, May 19, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-28, May 19, Honor the Service and Dedication to the Tribe by Tribal Member Wayne Stull
- Resolution 2015-27, May 5, To Authorize the Completion and Submittal of the Cherokee Nation TERO Application
- Resolution 2015-26, Apr 27, To Apply for a Rural Development Business Grant from the USDA
- Resolution 2015-25, Apr 27, Approving The Creation of Lenape Aquaculture, LLC
- Resolution 2015-24, Apr 27, To Apply for the USDA Rural Business Development Grant
- Resolution 2015-23, Apr 21, Authorize Contribution of Funds to Tahkox e2 LLC
- Resolution 2015-22, Apr 21, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-20, Apr 7, To Amend the Housing Eligibility, Admission, and Occupancy Policy
- Resolution 2015-19, Mar 17, To Approve Minimum Wage for Tribal Employees
- Resolution 2015-18, Mar 17, To Approve Submittal of Small Business Administration 8(A) Application of Tahkox e2
- Resolution 2015-17, Mar 17, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-16, Mar 3, Apply for the National Parks Services Tribal Heritage Grant
- Resolution 2015-15, Feb 17, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2015-14, Feb 17, To Amend Section 6 of the Tribal Membership Act
- Resolution 2015-13, Feb 17, Approve Closing of Delaware Tribe Facilities Management Solutions
- Resolution 2015-12, Feb 17, To Approve the Elderly Repair and Rehabilitation Program Operating Policy and Procedures
- Resolution 2015-11, Mar 3, To Accept and Sign A Letter Of Intent with the Dennis Group, LLC and the Tribe
- Resolution 2015-10, Jan 21, To Appoint Jimmie Johnson to the Position of Manager of TAHKOX e2
- Resolution 2015-09, Jan 21, Authorizing the Redemption of the Certificate of Deposit in the Amount of xxx to Pay The Line of Credit at BancFirst
- Resolution 2015-08, Jan 21, To Adopt a Voluntary Compliance Agreement with Housing and Urban Development
- Resolution 2015-07, Jan 6, To Assign the Chief, Assistant Chief, and Treasurer as the Only Approved Signatures on All of The TAHKOX e2 Accounts
- Resolution 2015-06, Jan 6, To Approve TAHKOX e2 LLC to Adopt the Personnel Policy of the Delaware Tribe of Indians
- Resolution 2015-05, Jan 6, To Terminate the Existence of Lenape Tribe of Indians Enterprises LLC
- Resolution 2015-04, Jan 6, To Assign the Chief, Assistant Chief, and Treasurer as the Only Approved Signatures on All of the DEA Financial Accounts
- Resolution 2015-03, Jan 6, Approving Authorization to Submit 2015 Indian Housing Plan to Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Resolution 2015-02, Jan 6, To Suspend the Charter of Delaware Enterprises Authority
- Resolution 2015-01, Jan 6, Approving the Operating Agreement for TAHKOXe2, LLC
- Resolution 2014-54, Dec 16, Establish Processes and Procedures for the Delaware Tribe of Indians Personnel Committee
- Resolution 2014-53, Dec 16, Establish an Anti-Nepotism Policy
- Resolution 2014-52, Dec 16, Authorizing the Filing of Articles of Organization for TAHKOX e2, LLC, to be Wholly Owned by the Delaware Tribe of Indians
- Resolution 2014-51, Dec 16, To Amend the Child Support Services Code
- Resolution 2014-50, Dec 16, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-49, Dec 1, To Mandate the Return of All Tribal Assets by Terminated DFMS Employees
- Resolution 2014-48, Dec 1, To Dismiss the Pending Complaint Against Councilor Nathan Young
- Resolution 2014-47, Dec 1, To Dismiss Pending Criminal Charges Against a Former Employee
- Resolution 2014-46, Dec 1, To Mandate the Return of All Tribal Assets by Previous Administration
- Resolution 2014-45, Dec 1, To Assign the Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer as the Only Approval Signatures on All of the DFMS Financial Accounts
- Resolution 2014-44, Dec 1, To Set Regular Council Meetings Dates-Times-Place
- Resolution 2014-43, Nov 23, A Resolution Establishing Signature Authority on BIA Forms 4432, Eagle Parts Applications, and Other Docs on Which Certification of Tribal Enrollment, Membership or Blood Quantum is Required
- Resolution 2014-42, Nov 17, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-41, Nov 6, For the Transfer of Land Into Trust (within our Last Recognized Reservation Boundary) in Leavenworth, Kansas
- Resolution 2014-40, Nov 6, To Accept the Title Insurance Commitment for the Transfer of Leavenworth Property-Fee Simple
- Resolution 2014-39, Oct 20, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-37, Sep 15, To Approve Membership In NCAI For the Year 2014-2015
- Resolution 2014-36, Sep 15, To Submit an Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grant in 2014
- Resolution 2014-35B, Sep 15, To Approve Tribal Membership (continuation)
- Resolution 2014-35A, Sep 15, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-34, Sep 8, To Authorize an Interbank Transfer of All Tribal Funds to Provide Operating Capital to Delaware Facilities Management Solutions, LLC (DFMS)
- Resolution 2014-33, Aug 4, To Allow Delaware Tribal Financial Services to Process LLCs Applying for Insurance
- Resolution 2014-32, Aug 4, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-31, Jul 7, To Submit an Application for the 2014 Indian Community Development Block Grant
- Resolution 2014-30, Jul 7, To Authorize Operation and Maintenance Funding for Land Commitment of the Indian Community Development Block Grant for 2014
- Resolution 2014-29, Jul 7, To Commit Land for an Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) for 2014
- Resolution 2014-28, Jul 7, To Approve the Submission of an Application to the US Dept of Health and Human Services, Adminstration for Child and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement for a Comprehensive Child Support Program
- Resolution 2014-27, Jul 7, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-26, Jun 2, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-25, May 13, To Place Caney Property in Federal Trust Status
- Resolution 2014-24, May 13, Approving an Amended Operating Agreement for Delaware Facilities Management Solutions
- Resolution 2014-23, May 13, Approving Amended Articles of Organization for Delaware Facilities Management Solutions
- Resolution 2014-22, May 5, Denial of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-21, May 5, To Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-20, May 5, To Enact the Child Support Services Policies and Procedures
- Resolution 2014-19, Apr 7, To Establish Conflict Management Strategies
- Resolution 2014-18, Apr 7, To Authorize the Establishment of the Delaware Tribe Fire Departments
- Resolution 2014-17, Apr 7, To Approve the Amendment of the Tribal Housing by Approving the Transfer of 1004 Walnut, Claremore OK, from a Starter Home to Low Rent Family Home
- Resolution 2014-16, Apr 7, Membership
- Resolution 2014-14, Mar 20, Authorizing the Submission of the U.S. Dept. of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation FY 2014 Competitive Grant
- Resolution 2014-13, Mar 10, Enact Codes for Civil Procedures of the Tribal Court
- Resolution 2014-12, Mar 10, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-11, Feb 21, Support and Designate NativeOne Financial Holdings LLC as the Financial Advisor and Management Team for the Fort Hancock Proposal at Sandy Hook New Jersey
- Resolution 2014-10, Feb 3, Approve Implementation Agreement #2 (Amended 2.5.2014), Implementing 2008 MOA with CN as to NAHASDA Funding for Delaware Tribe Formula Current Assisted Stock
- Resolution 2014-07, Feb 3, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2014-06, Feb 3, Enact the Child Support Service Codes
- Resolution 2014-05, Feb 3, Regarding Submission of the Grant Proposals Entitled Images of Our Grandfathers Project to the National Park Service
- Resolution 2013-65, Dec 2, Change the Fiscal Year End for the Housing Program and Submit an Indian Housing Plan to HUD
- Resolution 2013-64, Dec 2, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-63, Nov 5, Request Assignment of the Delaware Tribe of Indians to the Supervision of the Miami, OK Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Resolution 2013-62, Nov 5, Approve a Budget to Support Kansas Expansion Activities by the Tribal Council, Staff, and Contractors
- Resolution 2013-61, Nov 5, Enact Child Welfare Codes
- Resolution 2013-60, Nov 5, Submit Amended Legal Description of Caney, KS Property with Amended Fee-To-Trust Application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Resolution 2013-59, Nov 5, Conduct a Needs Assessment as Required by the Title VI Application
- Resolution 2013-58, Nov 5, Submit DHHS Title VI Part A & C for 2014-2017
- Resolution 2013-56, Nov 5, Amend Title 27 Insurance Company Act
- Resolution 2013-54, Oct 7, Authorize an Indian Self-Determination Act Contract for Health Programs, Functions, Services and Activities and Associated Resources Benefitting Tribal Members and Other Native Americans in KS
- Resolution 2013-53, Oct 7, Authorize the Release of Tribal Membership Dataset to Election Company for Ballot Distribution
- Resolution 2013-52, Oct 7, Approve Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-51, Sept 16, For the United Indian Nations of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas (UINOKT) to Support the Delaware Tribe of Indians’ Move to Kansas
- Resolution 2013-50, Sept 9, Approve Membership in NCAI for the Year 2013-2014
- Resolution 2013-49, Sept 9, Ratify an Environmental Protection Act
- Resolution 2013-48, Sept 9, Approve the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan
- Resolution 2013-47, Sept 9, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-46, July 16, Ratifying the 2013 ATG Implementation Agreement between the Delaware Tribe and Cherokee Nation
- Resolution 2013-45, Aug 5, Expand Jurisdiction & Headquarters in Kansas (36 Counties) to Provide Services
- Resolution 2013-44, Aug 5, Rescind Resolution 2005-20 Amending the Delaware Tribal Membership Act
- Resolution 2013-43, July 19, Reaffirm Tribal Jurisdiction in Kansas
- Resolution 2013-42, Aug 5, Authorize To Establish the Delaware Tribal I.T. Department Establishment Act
- Resolution 2013-41, Aug 5, Authorize To Establish the Delaware Tribal Health Department Establishment Act
- Resolution 2013-40, Aug 5, Authorize To Establish the Delaware Tribal Communications Department Establishment Act
- Resolution 2013-39, Aug 5, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-37, July 1, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-36, July 1, Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the US Dept of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement for the Planning, Program Design, and Implementation of a Delaware Tribal Charter School
- Resolution 2013-34, June 10, Approving Tribal Membership in NCAI for the Year Resolution 2013-14
- Resolution 2013-27, May 30, Contract with a Tribal Judge for the Tribal Child Support Program
- Resolution 2013-26, May 26, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-25, May 6, Authorize Payment of Certain Funds to LTI Enterprises, LLC
- Resolution 2013-24, May 6, Support Delaware Tribe Housing Programs Amending the Eligibility, Admissions, and Occupancy Policy
- Resolution 2013-23, May 6, Support Delaware Tribe Housing Program to Reclassify a Chelsea Housing Unit
- Resolution 2013-22a, April 19, Direct the Receipt, Accounting and Use of Fees Collected by Delaware Tribal Financial Services on Behalf of Tribe
- Resolution 2013-22b, May 6, Support Delaware Facilities Management Solutions, LLC (DFMS) Submission of an 8(a) Application
- Resolution 2013-19, April 1, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-18, Mar 15, Authorizing the Submission of Application for an Indian Community Development Block Grant
- Resolution 2013-17, Mar 15, Authorizing the Commitment of 3 Acres of Land for Construction of a Child Development Center through an Indian Community Development Block Grant
- Resolution 2013-16, Mar 15, Authorizing the Operation and Maintenance Plan and Funds for an Indian Community Development Block Grant
- Resolution 2013-15, Feb 28, Authorizing the Submission of the Institute of Museum and Library Services Native American Library Services-Enhancement Grant FY 2013
- Resolution 2013-14, Mar 4, Regarding Submission of the Grant Proposal Entitled Images of Our Grandfathers Project to the National Park Service
- Resolution 2013-13, Mar 4, Approval of Tribal Membership
- Resolution 2013-12, Mar 4, Establishing Signature Authority on BIA Forms 4432, Eagle Parts Apps and Other Docs on Which Cert of Tribal Enrollment, Membership, or Blood Quantum is Required
- Resolution 2013-11, Feb 4, Authorizing the Delaware Tribal Financial Services Committee to Oversee Modifications or Changes to the Delaware Tribe of Indians Insurance Codes
- Resolution 2013-10, Feb 4, Authorizing the Delaware Tribal Financial Services Committee to Accept Electronic Signatures and Forms
- Resolution 2013-09, Feb 4, Approval of Policies and Procedures for DTLMA (Delaware Tribal Library, Museum and Archives)
- Resolution 2013-07, Jan 23, A Resolution Establishing Signature Authority on Financial Accounts Controlled by the Delaware Tribal Council
- Resolution 2013-06, Jan 7, Establish a Tribal Gift Shop Cash Account
- Resolution 2013-05, Jan 7, Approving Tribal Membership into the United Indian Nations of OK, KS, and TX for the year 2013
- Resolution 2013-04, Jan 7, Transfer of Property Deed for Caney, KS to the US Dept of Interior for the Purpose of Placing in Federal Trust Status
- Resolution 2013-03, Jan 7, Enter into PL93-638 Contract Proposals
- Resolution 2013-02, Jan 7, Adopt an Amended Version of the Delaware Tribal Seal
Other Documents (Click to expand)
Old Official Documents
- Old Trust Document (Superseded Nov 2013)
- Master Plan of the Trust Document
- Resolution of the Trust Board & Tribal Council Concerning Non-Legitimate Delaware Indian Groups— RESCINDED NOV 7, 2011
Committee Reports
Recent Election Results
Federal Recognition
Members of the Delaware Tribe of Indians overwhelmingly voted in the secretarial election held on Tuesday, May 26, 2009, to ratify the Tribe’s 1982 constitution, as amended through November 1, 2008, subject to the October 24, 2008 Memorandum of Agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nation. The election was conducted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Tribe in accordance with Part 81 of Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations (25 CFR Part 81).