Delaware Indian News

The Delaware Indian News is the official publication of the Delaware Tribe of Indians. It is published by the Delaware Tribe and mailed free to tribal members (it is important for tribal members to keep their address current with the registration office). Subscriptions to non-tribal members are available at $20 per year. To order send check or money order (no cash) to:

Delaware Indian News
5100 Tuxedo Blvd.
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Be sure to include your name and complete mailing address.

The mission of the Delaware Indian News is to serve, empower and inform the Delaware people, while adhering to the policy of unbiased reporting in an ethical and professional manner.

To Submit Content

We invite letters, articles, photos, etc., but reserve the right to limit printing based upon available space. Editorial statements must be signed by the author and include the author’s address and phone. Editorial statements of the DIN guest columns and reader’s letters reflect the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Delaware Indian News, its staff or the tribal government of the Delaware Tribe of Indians. The DIN does not guarantee publication upon submission of editorial comments. Submissions must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format to

Ad Space Available

The DIN accepts ads on a one-time or continuing basis. Click on the Media Kit link below for a PDF with ad rates and details.

» Media Kit

Archived Issues (PDF Format)