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July 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

July 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

An Important 2020 Census Message

An Important 2020 Census Message

Deep Cleaning to be Completed by June 13, 2020

A deep cleaning process will start on Monday June 1, with the cleaning, sanitizing and sealing of all the ducts in the Bartlesville complex and then Caney and Chelsea. This will take approximately a week to 10 days to complete. Beginning on June 6 in Caney and Chelsea then moving to the main complex on June 8 there will be a team of cleaners who will deep clean and mist all of the buildings. All of the cleaning is scheduled for completion by June 13.

June 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

June 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

DTHP Is Applying For ICDBG-CARES Funding

DTHP Is Applying For ICDBG-CARES Funding

COVID-19 Precaution Flyer Available in English and Lenape

COVID-19 Precautions in Lenape

COVID-19 Precautions in English

May 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

May 2020 Lenape Word-a-Day Calendar

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month and throughout the year, The Delaware Tribe of Indians and the Delaware Tribe Family & Children Services department encourages all individuals and organizations to play a role in making Washington County a better place for children and families. To that end we have placed 250 blue pinwheels (a symbol of National Child Abuse Prevention Month) near the entrance to our Bartlesville campus as a visual reminder of our commitment to helping families. By ensuring that parents have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for their children, we can help prevent child abuse and neglect by creating strong and thriving children, youth, and families in our communities. Focusing on ways to connect with families is the best thing our community can do to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Pinwheels outside entrance to Bartlesville campus

2020 Census Update

As of April 7, Oklahoma has had only 40.5% response to the 2020 Census. It is important that American Indian and Alaska Native households be counted in the 2020 Census. You can respond by computer, mail or telephone. If you have not responded please do so. Be sure to consider the following when completing the Census.

Householder Question: For many reasons, it is important that American Indian and Alaska Native households be counted in the 2020 Census. This depends on the race of “Person 1” or the first person listed on the census form. If that person says he or she is American Indian, then the household will be counted as a Native American household. This does not need to be the head of the household.

Also important, “On the 2020 Census form, you can identify your race as American Indian and that you can in the name of your “enrolled or principal tribe.” Be sure to enter “Delaware Tribe”. If you just write Delaware, our tribe will not receive proper credit. The space for entering responses collects up to 200 characters and records up to six entries so you can enter more than one tribe. Make sure write in the official name of your tribe.

To respond to the 2020 Census online go to to complete questionnaire online. If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call 1-844-330-2020.

Lenape Words to Use During the Coronavirus Pandemic

From the Lenape Talking Dictionary –

kshilënche – wash your hands
kshilënchekw – you all wash your hands
kshilënchèch – you will wash your hands
(not a command, just a statement of a future action)

mëtakham ktun ok kwikiyon – Cover your mouth & nose
kpilakhom kwikin – Clean your house

nutike – stay home or I stay at home…
nutikekw – you all stay home
nutikehënàch – we will stay at home
nutikehëna – we stayed home