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Stomp Dance, February 14





Inviting stomp dancers of all tribes

Gas stipends will be paid to all Leaders and Shell Shakers 16 years and older.

For information contact Homer Scott at 918-332-8020 or Joe Brooks at 918-637-9397

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Garage Sale, Bean Lunch and Bake Sale, Februrary 14

Garage Sale, Bean Lunch and Bake Sale

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sponsored by Delaware War Mothers
Proceeds to benefit local veterans.

Have you done your spring cleaning early and don’t want to wait until nice weather arrives for a garage sale? Now is the opportunity to purchase a table for $10 and make some extra pocket money.

Garage and Bake Sales 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Lunch (beans, cornbread, & drink-$5) 11:00 am-2:00 pm

Delaware Tribe Community Center
170 NE Barbara
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Call 918-532-2289 or 918-336-0584

» Download Flyer


INSPIRE Pre-College Program

PROGRAM DATES: July 5 – 25, 2015

The INSPIRE Pre-College Program is a full scholarship open to Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian rising junior and senior high school students, including 2015 anticipated graduates, who want to spend 3-weeks on the George Washington University (GW) campus to learn about intergovernmental relations between tribal governments and the federal government.

The program centers on a full-day, experiential undergraduate course taught by GW faculty, Native Politics and the American Political System, which will offer opportunities for students to meet and interview influential Native advocates who work in Washington, D.C.

As an added bonus, INSPIRE students live on campus and participate in recreational programs with the community of high school students enrolled in GW Pre-College programs.

Click on the link below to view and download the flyer. You may then save and/or print it.

» Download Flyer

Flower Calendar, by Jim Rementer

Another calendar produced by Jim Rementer. Copyright Jim Rementer, 2015.

Click on the link below to download the file. You may then save and/or print it.

» Download Calendar

Repatriations and Culture Camp Planned for 2015

By Brice Obermeyer, Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office

As 2014 draws to a close our office is pleased to share with you our progress on several important projects and upcoming events for the new year. Although the year has seen many significant achievements and day-to-day consultation, we are particularly pleased to announce the completion of our cultural affiliation studies which will pave the way for our upcoming repatriation and reburials for two very large cemeteries in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Over the past several years we have focused our efforts on the larger collections that are housed in the State Museum of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The single largest collection of Delaware human remains were excavated from a large Delaware occupation site known as the Abbott Farm National Historic Landmark. It is located in the lower Delaware Valley near where Trenton, NJ is today. Over 100 individuals have been excavated and removed from the site over the past 100 years. The second very large collection comes from a historic Delaware cemetery associated with the historic Delaware village of Kuskuskies in western Pennsylvania. The cemetery is known archaeologically as the Chambers Site and at least 80 individual graves were identified during the excavation of this site in the 1960s.

18th-century map showing the Kuskuskies village.

Our first step was to identify all of the museums that hold a portion of these collections and those are listed in the paragraph above. The second is to document that these individuals were Delaware. Documenting the so-called cultural affiliation of the collection is a necessary step before the tribe can repatriate the collection under NAGPRA. We are pleased to announce that we completed the cultural affiliation of the Chambers site in January and we completed the Abbott Farm cultural affiliation report in November. Our next step is to submit these reports to the museums and potentially affiliated tribes so we can move on to the next step of repatriating these very large and significant collections.

Our next step in the coming year then is to move forward with the repatriation of the Chambers and Abbott Farm collections. We have identified the sites at which these collections will be reburied as both are very near the places where the graves were originally located and offer secure locations for the reburied remains to be placed. We have identified the Schoenbrunn Historic Village in Ohio as the place where we will rebury the Chambers collection and Pennsbury Manor near Philadelphia, PA will be the place for the reburial of the Abbott Farm burials.


Schoenbrunn is a reconstruction of the Moravian Mission village that was originally established for the Delaware while they lived in the Ohio country. There is a cemetery there on the site that houses Delaware graves that would have been contemporary with the Chambers site graves. We plan to expand this cemetery to include the graves of the Chambers collection. We anticipate this reburial to take place in the summer of 2015 and we are currently applying for funding to assist with the repatriation.

Pennsbury Manor.

Pennsbury Manor is the reconstructed home of William Penn, the Quaker founder of the Pennsylvania colony and original negotiator for Delaware lands in the lower Delaware valley. This property also holds a small cemetery that is reported to have a Delaware buried there as well. Similar to the Schoenbrunn plan, we anticipate expanding this cemetery to include the individuals from Abbott Farm as well. With the Chamber repatriation in 2015, we anticipate the Abbott Farm repatriation to take place the following year.

Along with the planned repatriations, we are equally excited to announce that plans are in place to establish a cultural preservation camp that will be held next summer at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in northeastern Pennsylvania. This camp will be open to a limited number of high school aged members of the Delaware Tribe, Delaware Nation, and Stockbridge-Munsee, and will provide an educational experience in which students will learn more about Delaware culture and history while living in the Delaware homeland. The camp will be jointly run and led by representatives from the three Delaware tribes, Park staff and local professionals. The camp will be supported by NPS funds that are available for such activities but space will be limited based on how much funding is made available. Please contact Brice Obermeyer at if you are interested in having your high school-aged child participate in the upcoming culture camp.

Delaware War Mothers are Strong and Active


The Delaware War Mothers have been busy this year with fundraising events and planning activities. They kicked off the year with a Garage & Bake Sale February 15th and plan on making this a yearly event so watch for details!

April 28th the Elders Committee, Veterans Committee and DWM held a re-dedication ceremony for the Veterans Honor Wall. If you submitted a photo to be displayed please be patient as each plaque is being redone which takes a great amount of time. This will be a continuing project until all plaques are finished.

Once again, the DWM participated in the grand entry during the Delaware Powwow in May. They also paraded in during the Oklahoma Indian Summer event in September.


On July 20th Rosetta Coffey passed away. During her wake the DWM stood before Rosetta’s family and read the following:

We, the Delaware War Mothers, stand here so you can see how many of us support her cause and will continue to carry on her legacy.

On behalf of the Delaware War Mothers, we express our deepest sympathy to the Jackson-Coffey family. As most of you know, Rosetta is the founder of the Delaware War Mothers, it was founded sometime in 1991 but was not established with the State of Oklahoma as an official organization until June 31, 1992. Records indicate that the club had three leaders and they were Rosetta, Bonnie Thaxton and Mary Watters. The thought of having a Club was inspired by the Persian Gulf War and was established to honor the veterans in the Delaware community.

Out of curiosity I looked up the meaning of Rosetta and Pearl and discovered the following:

Rosetta means Rose or Little Rose and we all know how beautiful she was just like a flower in bloom. I’m sure some of you felt the prick of her thorn when you got her upset or crossed her path.

The pearl is the oldest known gem and unlike any other gems is derived from a living creature. It was said in some early cultures that the pearl was born when a single drop of rain fell from the heavens and became the heart of the oyster. Pearls have been called the “teardrops of the moon”. Some believe that pearls were formed by the passage of angels through the clouds of heaven.

I came to the conclusion that Rosetta lived up to her name – not only was she as beautiful as a rose but she was unlike any other gem. She is the heart of our club because if it wasn’t for her motivation and determination there wouldn’t be a Delaware War Mothers Club.


It is our understanding that Rosetta’s daughter, Paulette Tallchief, was the one who had the idea of organizing a group to represent our veterans. Without Paulette, Rosetta and the first club members who all took part in establishing this fine club we would not be here today.

October brought about the first Chili Cook-off between the War Mothers. It was an exciting day to see all who attended and the competition was tough. The winners were Pat Donnell, Barbara Wallace, and Mary Watters. This is another yearly event that the ladies would like to continue so watch for details around September!


Congratulations to Adam Anna from Ohio who won the Pendleton that was raffled off during General Council on November 8th! The War Mothers also had a silent auction and bake sale during the meeting and would like to express their gratitude to the Tribal Council for letting us do so.

On November 7th the DWM recognized the veterans who were in attendance at lunch by presenting them with a pin of thanks. A special thank you goes out to the Washington County Chapter #65 Disabled American Veterans who performed a ceremony for the POWs and MIAs. The new princess, Skye Scimeca, was crowned by outgoing princess, Hayden Griffith, who will be greatly missed! Hayden has done such a fine job representing the DWM since 2013 and we would like to wish her the best of luck as she pursues her goal of going to college. We welcome our new princess, Skye Scimeca, who is the daughter of Bill Scimeca and the late Sarah Johnson Scimeca.

This year the DWM presented our veterans with Christmas stockings which were full of miscellaneous items. All stockings and items were donations given by the members who attended the December meeting.


We always have fun as we work on our projects and feel we can never say “Thank You!” enough to all our veterans. So if you would like to become a member of this fun and wonderful group please contact any DWM member, write us at PO Box 74371 Bartlesville, OK 74006, email or attend one of our meetings the third Monday of each month at 5:30 in the conference room of the Social Service Building. Wanishi!

Red Fork Powwow, February 28


Saturday, February 28th

Stephen J. Jatras Student Union
Tulsa Community College – West Campus
7505 West 41st Street, Tulsa Oklahoma

Hosted by TCC Native American Student Alliance and TCC Native American Studies Program

Free Admission – Everyone Welcome

For more information, contact Keetoowah Knight (918) 955-6807 or Steven Woods (918)595-8210

» Download Flyer

Download a 2015 Delaware Indian Calendar

Annual Delaware calendar produced by Jim Rementer. Copyright Jim Rementer, 2015.

Click on the link below to download the file. You may then save and/or print it.

» Download Calendar

Tribal Council Meeting, Jan 6, 2015


  1. Call to order by Chief
  2. Prayer
  3. Roll Call
  4. Welcome Guests
  5. Approve the Agenda
  6. Approve the Previous Meeting Minutes
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Reports
    2. Tribal Operations Manager Report
    3. Director Reports
    4. Economic Development-Tim Houseberg
    5. Delaware Indian News (DIN)
  8. New Business
    1. Resolution 2015-01
    2. Resolution 2015-02
    3. Resolution 2015-03
    4. Resolution 2015-04
    5. Resolution 2015-05
    6. Grand Gateway Board of Directors Vacancy
    7. Other New Business
  9. Adjourn

» Agenda and Copies of Resolutions 2015-01 and 2015-02 (PDF)

» Copy of Resolution 2015-03 (PDF)

» Copy of Resolution 2015-04 (PDF)

» Copy of Resolution 2015-05 (PDF)

Administrative Assistant to the Chief

Delaware Tribe of Indians
Employment Opportunity
Administrative Assistant to the Chief

The Administrative Assistant to the Chief is the principal assistant to the Chief of the Delaware Tribe and the Tribal Council. The range of duty varies and is performed through both general and specific delegation by the Chief. Three to five years experience as Administrative Assistant. Requires ability to use Microsoft Office Suite programs as well as Microsoft Project. Requires good interpersonal communication and teamwork skills.

Please email resumes to or fax to 918-337-6591 or mail to 170 NE Barbara Street, Bartlesville OK 74006, with subject line of “Administrative Assistant to the Chief.” Applications can be downloaded from the links on the right or at the bottom of the page. No phone calls please.

Position closes on January 31, 2015.

Delaware Tribal/Native American preference will be observed.