Oklahoma Headquarters
The Tribe’s Bartlesville offices are located on Tuxedo Blvd on the north side of the city of Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The Bartlesville campus includes the Delaware Community Center, the Delaware Wellness Center and Tribal Offices, and the Delaware Social Services Building.

Community Center, 5100 Tuxedo Blvd.

Wellness Center and Tribal Offices, 170 N Barbara

Cultural Building, 169 N Barbara
Tribal Administration
Tribal administrative offices, including the office of the Chief, are located in the Delaware Community Center, and are open Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Enrollment Office
The Tribal Enrollment Office, housed in the Community Center and Tribal Offices, maintains the tribe’s official enrollment database, helps tribal members to verify their membership to help obtain enrollment-dependent services, and distributes identification cards. Prospective tribal members are encouraged to submit enrollment applications, and current tribal members are encouraged to help enroll other members of their families, so that they too can obtain tribal services. The Enrollment Office also maintains current contact information for distribution of the Delaware Indian News, the tribe’s quarterly newspaper; important notifications of tribal services and programs; and certification for obtaining ballots for tribal elections. Be sure that your current address is on file with us!
The Tribe’s Accounting Department manages all tribal finances, including the general operating fund and funds managed through tribal-sponsored grants and awards. Their offices are located in the Family and Children Services Building.
Community Services and Educational Assistance
The Community Services and Educational Assistance Department manages the Tribe’s Community Services and Educational Assistance programs. It is based in the Delaware Community Center.
Environmental Program
The Environmental Program currently operates under a U.S. EPA GAP Grant for Fiscal Year 2013. Its goal is to develop a Delaware Tribal Environmental Office, with an initial project being the implementation of a tribal recycling program. The objective of this project is to put into action the long-held tribal value of caring for the land. In addition to Solid Waste Management (Recycling), research is being conducted by the program in the areas of E-Recycling (computers, TVs, household electronics), Energy Efficiency, and Air Quality Monitoring. It is based in the Wellness Building.
The Delaware Tribe Housing Program manages tribally-owned or managed housing in Oklahoma and Kansas. The Delaware Tribe Housing Program offices are located in the Community Center. The normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., with the exception of the lunch hour. As you enter the front foyer you will be greeted by the receptionist who will direct you to the housing assistant who will assist you with housing questions, payments, and needs. The phone number for the Bartlesville office is (918) 337-6572.
(Please note: The Chelsea Satellite Office for the Delaware Tribe Housing Program is currently closed)
Tribal Archives
The Tribal Library, Museum, and Archives Program is spearheaded by Tribal Archivist Anita Mathis. The Tribal Archives are located in the Cultural Building in Bartlesville, and are open Monday-Thursday 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
We continue to collect books, other documents, images, and artifacts. Tribal members are welcome to come to the office and see what is being done to preserve our Tribal history. We have begun to receive donations from Tribal members that have been true treasures for our Tribe.
Plans for the near future include a computer room where tribal members can browse the Archive, a small gift shop, and scanning and digitizing facilities to digitize new material.
Historic Preservation
The mission of the Delaware Tribe’s Historic Preservation Office (DTHPO) is to ensure the protection and preservation of cultural and historic resources that are significant to Delaware tribal heritage.
We work to manage these important tribal resources through consultations with public and private agencies and museums as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
The DTHPO is based in Pennsylvania. DTHPO Susan Bachor is officed at 126 University Circle, Stroud Hall, Rm 437, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Tribal members with questions and/or information are welcome to contact us. Because of teaching and other commitments, please call or email ahead of time if possible to make sure that someone is available. 539-529-1671 sbachor@delawaretribe.org
Elder Nutrition Program
The Delaware Elder Nutrition Program is located in the Community Center and serves lunch to around 40-50 tribal elders Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon. The definition of this Title VI program is as follows: Daily nutrition services are provided FREE to all Elders (age 55+) members of a federally recognized Indian tribe and their spouse as well as non-elderly handicapped or disabled Indians who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by an eligible Elder. Native Americans under 55 and other guests can come eat for a small charge of $5. Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated.
Wellness Center
The Delaware Tribe Wellness Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. There is no fee for Delaware and Cherokee members. Just bring your CDIB card or your tribal membership card with you. Tribal members of other tribes (with their membership card) pay just $10 per month. Anyone else can come in to get healthy for the small fee of $20 per month. Walk-in guests pay just 2 dollars a day.