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2020 Census Information

The U.S. Constitution requires a census every 10 years. The first census was in 1790. Census numbers determine funding for many of the Delaware Tribe’s vital services and programs. For each man, woman and child who doesn’t get counted, it’s a loss of about $50,000 in federal funding over a decade that helps our tribal programs and services.

By April 1, 2020 each home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 census. You will have three options for responding: online, by phone, or by mail.

Be sure to list everyone living in the household as of April 1, including all adults, children, extended family and nonrelatives.

If not all adults in the household are not tribal citizens, be sure to list the tribal citizen first on the survey. This helps
the tribe when applying for grants and other funding opportunities.

For each Delaware Citizen, mark your race as “American Indian“. It is important that you write “Delaware Tribe” in full as your tribal affiliation. If you just write Delaware, our tribe will not receive proper credit.

If you do not have access to a computer and want to report this way, there will be computers set up for your use at the Delaware Center and someone to assist you.

Your Confidentiality:
Your personal information is kept confidential. The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information, and your data is used only for statistical purposes. Your response will not affect your housing status, income guidelines or custody arrangements.

For more information, click HERE.

Request for Construction Bid at Forsythe Hall

The Delaware Tribe of Indians is seeking construction bids for the entrance to Forsythe Hall. Details can be found here: Bid for Forsythe Hall Entrance.

Any questions or further inquiry about the bid specifications shall be directed to:
Joe Exendine, Tribal Manager, or by email to
Sealed bids will be opened at the Tribal Council meeting at tribal headquarters on Saturday December 21, 2019 at approximately 2:30 P.M.
Photos of construction area are posted below.
(Construction contract required)

THIS IS A SEALED COMPETETIVE BID PROCESS. Written bids should be presented NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM ON THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 2019 at the above address, whether by mail or package delivery service or hand-delivered. Please write on outside of bid package “Sealed Bid”

Construction Area

Main Building Entry Columns

West Door Inside Both Doors Open

West Door Inside North Door Open

West Door Inside

West Door Doors Open

West Door Wide

West Door Long Distance

Curtis Zunigha to Give Presentation at East Stroudsburg University

Delaware Tribe Cultural Resources Director Curtis Zunigha will give a presentation at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, PA tonight, Monday, November 18, 2019, as part of their Native American History Month programming. The presentation will be livestreamed from 6-8 PM. Please note that the link is only available during those hours, but this page will be updated with a permanent link to the completed talk in the coming days.

Curtis Zunigha to Give Presentation at East Stroudsburg University

General Council To Be Held November 16, 2019

General Council To Be Held November 16, 2019

Trust Board Invitation to Any and All Financial Firms Interested in Giving a Presentation

This is an open invitation to any and all financial investment firms interested in presenting an investment strategy to the Trust Board members for the growth and investment of their Trust Funds.

Please contact Charla Mann at with your company name and representative’s name by August 9, 2019 for the August meeting.

Backpack Drive Runs From July 1 – July 26

The Delaware Tribe of Indians is collecting school supplies July 1 – July 26 for children in elementary, middle and high school. Any donations will be excepted as long as the item is unused. See the flyer for details on where to drop off and what supplies are being requested. There will be more information later on how to become eligible and when the backpacks will be distributed.


NOTICE: The Enrollment Office Open From 10:00 A.M – 2:00 P.M. Saturday, May 25

NOTICE: The Enrollment Office will be open from 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 25, 2019. Please come see us if you would like to update your information or if you need to pick up an enrollment packet.

Summer Job Opportunities in Talequah Available

Job Opportunity in Talequah

55th Annual Delaware Powwow To Be Held May 24-26, 2019

2019 Delaware Powwow Flyer

ANNOUNCEMENT: Enrollment Office Closed May 7-8

The Enrollment Office will be closed for training on May 7-8, 2019.