Housing Committee Seeking New Members Until November 9, 2023

The Delaware Tribal Council is currently accepting resumes and questionnaires for two seats on the Housing Committee. Please contact the Chief’s Executive Assistant by email at dmurrell@delawaretribe.org or by phone/text at (918) 914-3142 to obtain an Appointee Questionnaire and Verification Form to fill out and return.


Any enrolled member of the Delaware Tribe of Indians who is at least twenty-one (21) years old and has sufficient knowledges of housing, business, or finance is eligible to serve on the Housing Committee. No person shall be barred from serving on the Housing Committee because her or she is a tenant or homebuyer in a housing project of the Tribe, and such Committee member shall be entitle to fully participate in all meeting concerning matters that affect all of the tenants or homebuyers, even though such matters affect him or her as well.

Please return your resume and questionnaire to

Delaware Tribe of Indians
ATTN: Dana Murrell
5100 Tuxedo Blvd.
Barltesville OK 74006

or email to dmurrell@delawaretribe.org.

Resumes and questionnaires must be received no later than 5 P.M. Thursday, November 9, 2023 for Council’s review and consideration.

The Delaware Tribal Council is currently accepting resumes and questionnaires for two seats on the Housing Committee. Please contact the Chief's Executive Assistant by email at dmurrell@delawaretribe.org or by phone/text at (918) 914-3142 to to complete and return an Appointee questionnaire and verification form.