2020 Census Update
As of April 7, Oklahoma has had only 40.5% response to the 2020 Census. It is important that American Indian and Alaska Native households be counted in the 2020 Census. You can respond by computer, mail or telephone. If you have not responded please do so. Be sure to consider the following when completing the Census.
Householder Question: For many reasons, it is important that American Indian and Alaska Native households be counted in the 2020 Census. This depends on the race of “Person 1” or the first person listed on the census form. If that person says he or she is American Indian, then the household will be counted as a Native American household. This does not need to be the head of the household.
Also important, “On the 2020 Census form, you can identify your race as American Indian and that you can in the name of your “enrolled or principal tribe.” Be sure to enter “Delaware Tribe”. If you just write Delaware, our tribe will not receive proper credit. The space for entering responses collects up to 200 characters and records up to six entries so you can enter more than one tribe. Make sure write in the official name of your tribe.
To respond to the 2020 Census online go to my2020census.gov to complete questionnaire online. If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call 1-844-330-2020.