Delaware Tribe Summer Day-Camp


PLANNED FOR JUNE 25-29, 2018 FROM 8:30AM – 5:00PM DAILY

We have seats for up to ten youth to participate in the Delaware Tribe’s first ever summer day-camp. Applicants must be registered members of the Delaware Tribe, between the ages of 13-18, and must participate all five days to receive camp materials and giveaways. Campers must arrange on their own to arrive by 8:30 am at the Tribal Cultural Center in Bartlesville and will be dismissed to go home by 5:00pm. Dress will be summer casual. Mornings will focus on outdoor skills and activities at the tribal campus or other local outdoor locations. Afternoon activities will be indoors at tribal headquarters. A healthy sack lunch and snacks will be served each day. Local transportation provided by tribal vehicle. Our emphasis will be on tradition, culture, learning, and FUN!

Outdoor activities may include: Make a camp fire, build a brush arbor, make an Indian football & play a game, learn social & stomp dancing, cook Indian recipes, archery, and swimming.

Indoor activities may include: Tribal history-culture-language lessons, archive and artifact maintenance, environmental practices, life skills and personal responsibility.

There is no cost to the youth camper. The camp is sponsored by the Delaware Tribe Cultural Resources Department. Applicants must have parent or guardian approval and prove age and tribal membership.

For more information or for pre-enrollment contact:

Curtis Zunigha, Director of Cultural Resources Department

(918) 337-6541 or email: