Veterans Committee Report

By Kenny Brown, Chair

Attention Lenape Veterans! The Delaware Tribe of Indians Veterans Committee was officially formed on Feb 26, 2014. John Sumpter called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and called for election of officers. Elected were:

Chair – Kenny Brown
Vice Chair – Homer Scott
Secretary/Treasurer – Susan Cade
Lenape Color Guard Unit Leader – John Sumpter

Meetings will be held quarterly. The next meeting will be held August 13, 6 pm at the Delaware Community Center in Bartlesville and we encourage all our Veterans to attend.

The Tribal Enrollment Department is gathering information on our tribal veterans. The forms are available on the Delaware Tribe’s website, and we are asking all of our men and women who have served or are currently serving to fill out the forms.

The Veterans Wall of Honor was recently unveiled and we are seeking additional pictures. If your picture or the picture of an ancestor isn’t on display, and you would like it to be, bring it to the Delaware War Mothers. They will get a copy made for the wall and get the original back to you. The copy becomes the Tribe’s property for permanent display.

The Lenape Veterans Color Guard is looking for additional members. For more information email John Sumpter ( or Kenny Brown (kennybrown27@

The Veterans Committee will be gathering information on activities and events of interest to Veterans. We will also catalog organizations and resources that help meet the needs of Veterans. Pray for your Veterans.
