Thank You!, by Judy Dull
By Judy Dull, Retiring Nutrition Supervisor

Judy Dull (right) and Arleena Whittenburg
As I depart from the Delaware Elder Nutrition Center, I would like to say to the tribal members how much I have enjoyed working and serving you. I have worked at the Delaware Elder Nutrition Program for five years. My official retirement date was May 23, 2014. However, I assured the administration that I would not leave my position until they had a replacement.
The nutrition program has grown in leaps and bounds, which can be attributed to the Delaware Tribe having received an Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) and two consecutive Title VI grants to help with the expansion of the kitchen and dining room that has attributed to the growth of the congregate doubling during these years. But I also like to think that the nutri- tion department staff has had a hand in attracting more elders by providing good nutritious meals and great customer service. This past year we added a hearty salad bar that can be a meal in itself or selected features that vary from day-to-day, such as mixed salad, three-bean salad, pickles, olives, cheese, watermelon or other fruit, cottage cheese, pudding, and the normal salad ingredients.
During my time with the Delaware Tribe I have seen a lot of changes and much progress since Chief Pechonick came into office. There have been several departments opened to assist all tribal members. All of these departments have created more jobs for Delaware people. The Tribe has its own housing, EPA, nutrition, child support services, cultural resources and education, historic preservation, Lenape language revitalization, and a museum. The current administration is always looking for ways to improve the welfare of the Delaware people.
Never lose sight of what Chief Pechonick has brought to you. She works many hours and is always willing to go the extra mile for her tribe. Keep this in mind when it comes election time in November. Chief Pechonick should be re-elected to continue serving her people and to keep the progress rolling.