Delawares and Cherokees Reach Housing Agreement

Reprinted from Bartlesville Radio web page, Feb 26, 2014

The Delaware Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nation have signed an agreement allowing the Delaware to seek and receive federal housing funding directly from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development.

According to Delaware Chief Paula Pechonick, the Delaware Tribe is pleased to accomplish another step toward self-determination as a federally recognized tribe. She says members are grateful that negotiations with Chief Baker’s administration have resulted in this implementation agreement. Pechonick says the Delaware Tribe is moving forward with its restored status as a HUD grantee to provide clean, safe and affordable housing for tribal members. Pechonick also recognizes the continuing relationship with the Cherokee Nation to address the many unmet housing needs not provided by this agreement.

The Delaware Tribe is headquartered in Bartlesville. It was placed in the Cherokee Nation jurisdiction in 1867 by treaty. The two tribes signed a memorandum of agreement in 2008 to enable the Delaware to regain its federal recognition.

Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr. says it is a good day for both the Cherokee Nation and the Delaware Tribe because the new agreement allows their Delaware brothers and sisters to return to the table and negotiate and deal with the federal government directly. Hoskin says he is pleased to have played a necessary role as the intermediary, but even more pleased the Delaware will be able to pursue its own self-determination and governance by securing funding directly from the federal government.