Please Come to the Ottawa Powwow

Ottawa Powwow Golden Anniversary Celebration
Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1, 2013
Adawe Park, 5 mi east and 1 mi south of Miami, OK

Where the Championship Dancers Come —– to Play

Head Singer: John David Ballard
Head Man Dancer: Jeff (Dude) Blalock
Head Lady Dancer: Mollie B. King
Arena Director: Walter Dye
Powwow Princess: Mary Beth (Bootsie Skye) Kihega
Master of Ceremonies: Steve Kinder

Friday Aug. 30
6 p.m. Gourd Dance
9 p.m. Stomp Dance & Social Dances
(Stomp Dance Activities Sponsored by Jack and Margaret Blalock Family;
Cash and major prize drawings for leaders and shell shakers, ages 16 and up)

Saturday Aug. 31
A.M. Turkey Dance, Noon Camp Feast
Afternoon games, 6 p.m. Gourd Dance
(Feast in honor of Gabe Nichols sponsored by Greg Case, Joe Martin, Mariah Tyner, Dixie Rich)
8 p.m. Inter-tribal War Dance followed by Stomp Dance

Sunday Sept. 1
9 a.m. Indian Junior Olympics (Q-12 years old)
6 p.m. Gourd Dance
8 p.m. Inter-tribal War Dance followed by Stomp Dance

No Contests, Just Plenty of Good Dancing and Singing

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