RSU Nursing Student Receives Prestigious IHS Scholarship

Crystal (Thaxton) Dombrovski has recently been named a recipient of a prestigious Indian Health Services (IHS) scholarship.

The IHS Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship for federal or state-recognized American Indians and Alaska Natives. On average, they receive 3000 applications for 150 scholarships. Students are evaluated based on grades and essays and then ranked among their peers to determine who receives the scholarship. Dombrovski, of Claremore, is a member of the Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma.

There are three different categories and awards vary by category and the school the recipient attends. The total award amount received approximates $30,000 for the academic year, covering tuition, fees, books and a travel award and monthly stipend. The IHS scholarship is awarded to students who are planning on working in underserved disciplines in the medical field. For nurses, it is geared towards students who plan on serving in areas that exhibit the need for registered nurses.

Dombrovski, an Associate Degree Nursing student wants to specialize in diabetes education focusing on educating the individual and community. “There is a huge disparity in the health of our native people and the dominant culture and I want to do my part to narrow that gap,” Dombrovski said, adding that after graduation, she plans on obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and eventually a Master’s degree in nursing.