Delaware War Mothers and November Veterans’ Activities

John Henry Mashunkashey

The Delaware War Mothers have been busy trying to get reorganized by January and have already participated in a couple of events. On Friday, November 9, the ladies joined the Delaware Veterans Committee and hosted the Veterans Special Recognition Ceremony at the Delaware Community Center. The Lenape Color Guard presented the flags while the Delaware War Mothers paraded behind them. The keynote address was delivered by John Henry Mashunkashey, a Marine Corps veteran from the Osage Nation. Russell Mashunkashey, K.C. Bills, and Bruce Martin were the drummers. After the speech CeCe Biggoose started her televised presentation of the pictures of the veterans on record. It was accompanied by each individual military theme song. Each veteran was asked to stand during their theme song and was presented with a pin by one of the Delaware War Mothers and thanked for their service. The ceremony was followed by a luncheon with tribal leaders and elders.

On November 10, the ladies participated in the Bartlesville Veterans Day parade. The tribe provided the truck, trailer and bales of straw for this event. Bruce Martin gathered a small group to help with drumming. Thank you to all who participated or helped in the organization of both events!

Our mission is to represent and honor our military relatives, so if you are a Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister or Aunt of a Veteran(s), Native American OR non-native but want to represent an Indian veteran and would be interested in joining, please attend our next meeting. You may also contact Bess Marler at 918-440-1955, Tonya Anna at 918-533-8035 or email the club at

Bonnie Thaxton near the Delaware War Mothers float at the Veteran’s Day parade in Bartlesville, November 10, 2012. Tonya Anna, Laura Maynor, Bess Marlor, Susie Finney, Barbara Wallace, Mary Watters and Bonnie Thaxton smiling for the camera just before the Veterans Recognition ceremony.
Bonnie Thaxton and Barbara Wallace standing in front of the Fallen Soldier silhouette that was provided by Susie and David Finney. Kay Anderson, Susan Cade and CeCe Biggoose ready to roll!