Idle No More Protest at Moraviantown

Our Moraviantown cousins made the news recently with an Idle No More peaceful protest:

The press release issued as part of this protest is given below:

Press Release, January 14, 2013
From: INM founders, organizers and Elder advisors

Idle No More has a responsibility to resist current government policies in a peaceful and respectful way. It can be done. It can be done without aggression or violence. This is an energetic, exciting and transformative time. This movement has been guided by spiritual Elders, dreams, visions and from peoples’ core values. We are here to ensure the land, the waters, the air, and the creatures and indeed each of us, return to balance and discontinue harming each other and the earth. To keep us on this good path, we ask that you, as organizers create space for Elders or knowledge/ceremonial keepers to assist in guiding decisions as we move forward. It is up to each of us to see that this movement respects all people, the environment, and our communities and neighbours. In peace and solidarity.

Events are happening throughout Canada, the United States and the World in support of Idle No More.

Other Idle No More Events in Oklahoma:

This is a call for anyone that willing to march in the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parade to represent Idle No More. Singers, signs, vehicle(s) are needed, as well as any suggestions. The parade is next Monday 21st @ 2pm. Of course arrival will need to be in plenty of time before 2. Thank you, your support is needed. (From the Oklahoma City Idle No More Facebook page )

An announcement from the UINOKT meeting last week:

Tribal members and members of other Nations and Tribes are encouraged participate in an Idle No More flashmob at the State Capitol Building in Oklahoma City at 11am January 25th.

Learn why Idle No More is dancing:

What’s a Flashmob?

A flash mob is a group of people in a public place who are seemingly unrelated erupt into what appears to be a spontaneous act at the same time.

A Flash Mob in Action