Delaware War Mothers Reorganizing

It is with great pleasure to announce the reorganization of the Delaware War Mothers. This great organization consists of Grandmothers, Mothers, Daughters, Granddaughters, Sisters and Aunts who represent all Veterans. Our mission is to represent and honor our military relatives as well as visiting veterans who are shut-ins at their own home or a resident of a nursing home. Some past activities with veterans were helping them open their Christmas gifts at the Claremore Veterans Hospital, visiting with them so they see new faces, and sent phone cards overseas to active duty service men and women. Other past activities were wearing the club robes during grand entry at various powwows and participating in local parades. Do you have ideas to help honor these fine people who have fought for our country and freedom? Then please consider joining the Delaware War Mothers. If you are a female Native American and would be interested in joining please attend one of the meetings that are scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month at 1:00 pm in the dining hall at the Delaware Community Center. If you would like more information please contact Bess Marler at 918-440-1955, Evelyn Kay Anderson at 918-397-5116 or email the club at The club would like to be active by January 1, 2013 so we can kick off the year fresh and be ready to assist our veterans.