George Clifford Newbold Scholarship

Applications are available for the George Clifford Newbold Scholarship Fund dedicated to the memory of Cliff Newbold, an outdoorsman, raconteur, naturalist and gentleman who treasured his native background.  The fund is set up to award an annual scholarship of $2000 a year for four years to qualified students of Native American heritage who evidence a desire to further their education in the fields of business or education and use this education for the benefit of their native community. It will be a renewable grant based on demonstrated achievement in your studies and the ongoing recommendation and evaluation of your professors. Preference will be given to those students of Lenni Lenape heritage and to those who are current New Jersey residents, however these factors are not a restriction to application. All will be considered, however the foundation believes students whose tribal heritage includes communities operating gambling facilities should turn to those organizations for assistance.

For more information, go to their web site at