Tribe Gets Indian Community Development Block Grant

The Delaware Tribe of Indians submitted an Indian Community Development Block Grant through HUD for infrastructure that includes the enlargement of the retention pond, the expansion of the Elder Nutrition kitchen and the construction of parking lots and roads on June 15, 2011. Sherry Rackliff and Jade Johnson are going to oversee the administration of the project.

The City of Bartlesville held a City Zoning and Planning Meeting during the month of April. During this meeting, it was determined that the Delawar Tribe of Indians were not able to build any more structures on the property until the current retention pond is expanded.

The committee also mandated that the main road going into the Lenape Addition be expanded per the original platting to allow through access of emergency vehicles because of the increased number of residents and clients that will be using the property.

The parking lots and roads will be necessary for clients to be able to access the community services offered by the Delaware Tribe of Indians. These services include assistance with utilities, prescription medications, eyeglasses, dental assistance, scholarships, school supplies and other educational needs for students and access to the Elder independent Living Community.

The project was awarded to the Delaware Tribe of Indians on September 6, 2011. The amount of the award was $800,000.