Veteran Services

Lenape Vets Center

The Lenape Vets Center is a free service to all vets and their families, Tribal and nontribal alike. Our mission is to help all veterans and their family’s needs. We are associated with the American Legion Oklahoma Dept of Veterans Affairs and other related agencies in Oklahoma. The Center can help file VA claims, find shelter and help with counseling and emergency services.

Steven Donnell is our Veterans Liaison and a certified VSO with the American Legion. The Center is located at 170 Barbara St. in the Delaware Wellness center, on the Delaware Tribal campus in Bartlesville, OK.

Tel: (918) 337-6590 Ext 128 or Steve.
Emergency Tel: (760)401-2056
Office Hours are Tuesday 10-4

Stop by and Visit! Coffee is always on!

American Legion Vehicle Donation Program

American Legion Vehicle Donation Program

More information and resources coming soon!