Wellness Committee Project
Bonnie Jo Griffith, Co-Chair, Wellness Committee
At the October 7 Delaware Tribal Council meeting, a Wellness Committee was formed. Jenifer Pechonick and I will co-chair this new offering from our tribe. We will be looking at programs to inform, educate and motivate our tribal members and their families to live a healthier life.
Presently we are looking at having nutritionists come in periodically and help us with more diabetic-friendly, heart-healthy, and weight-conscious diets.
We also hope to start a walking group that will get participants acclimated gradually to being able to walk at least one mile a day. Hopefully some will take this program even farther, and walk several miles a day!
Another program in the works is a “Choose to Lose” weight loss competition. The program will be a voluntary effort and participants will pay a nominal enrollment fee. At the end of the program the person with the largest percentage of weight loss will be declared the winner and will receive 75% of the money paid for participation. The 25% remaining money will be invested in a new wellness program.
The details for these programs should be finalized by mid-February. All information will be on the tribal we site as soon as it is complete. All Delawares are encouraged to join in, as well as their families.
Should anyone have suggestions are questions, please contact Jenifer at 918-214-6872 or me at 918-331-3805.