Interested in Joining the New DEA?

The Delaware Enterprise Authority (DEA) was formed as an independent body from the Tribal Council and Trust Board to research, evaluate, and maintain business ventures and/or economic development projects for the economic benefit of the Delaware Tribe and its members.

As constituted now, the DEA has a seven member Board of Directors. Currently there are three vacancies that we would like to fill immediately.

The Board of Directors has regular monthly meetings, or as frequently as deemed necessary to manage the affairs of the Authority. Meetings may be conducted through the use of any means of communication by which all participants may simultaneously hear and communicate with each other.


  • a) A Board Member may be a member or non-member of the Tribe. At least three Board Members shall be members of the Tribe, but no more than three Board Members at any one time may be members of the Tribal Council or Tribal Trust Board;
  • b) No person shall be barred from serving on the Board because they are an employee of an enterprise of DEA or the Tribe; has a business contractual relationship with DEA or the Tribe; or operates a private business within the Tribal Jurisdiction. However, no such Board Member shall be entitled or permitted to participate in or be present at any portion of a meeting (except in their capacity as a member of the public or as an employee), or to be counted or treated as a member of the Board, concerning any matter involving his or her individual right, obligations or status;
  • c) Each Board Member shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and legally capable of entering into a binding contract;
  • d) Each Board Member shall take an oath to support and defend the constitution and laws of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, and the United States of America;
  • e) If the DEA is engaged in gaming operations, each Board Member is not eligible and shall be barred from serving as a Board Member until such time as a Primary Management Official License is issued to the individual trustee by the Delaware Tribe of Indians Gaming Commission pursuant to the application process of submitting to finger printing, a background investigation, and a suitability determination.

Meetings: The Board of Directors shall have regular monthly meetings, or as frequent as deemed necessary to manage the affairs of the Authority. Meetings may be conducted through the use of any means of communication by which all participants may simultaneously hear and communicate with each other. Every three months, the Board members shall agree on the regular meeting times, dates, and locations for the next three months; and the President shall promptly distribute such dates, times, and locations. Once this schedule of regular meetings is set, no additional notice need be given of regular meetings.

Per the DEA’s charter, the Board is appointed by the Chief. Appointments will be made as soon as possible, so please send a letter of interest to her office at:

Office of the Chief
Delaware Tribe of Indians
170 NE Barbara Ave
Bartlesville, OK 74006

or by email at

Please include in the subject “DEA Board.”

Information may also be hand-delivered to the above address.