Revising the Trust Board Document

What We Are Proposing:

Current events and the age of the present Delaware Trust Document has made it essential for revisions to bring the document up to date. The Trust Board has drafted a proposed revised document and is presenting it to all Delaware tribal members for comments. Once the comment period ends the document will be changed and put out for a vote.

The final draft will be on the ballot in November for ratification by tribal members. The comment period will end August 1, 2013 to allow time for final revisions. The document that will be on the ballot will be printed in the October Delaware Indian News. All tribal members should carefully the proposed revised Trust Document and offer comments if they wish. To view the document, click on the link below.

The Revised Document:

Proposed Trust Board Document

Opportunities for Feedback:

We want to hear your concerns. To make your voice heard, please plan to attend one of the Town Hall meetings to be held in July! Stew, frybread and dessert will be served. Door prizes will be awarded at the end of each meeting. If you cannot attend, videos of the meetings will be available on the tribal web site.

If you cannot attend, you can also send comments to our special email address at

Town Hall Meetings:

Sat, July 13, 11:00 AM:
Chelsea Boys & Girls Club, 119 North Ash, Chelsea, OK

Sat, July 20, 11:00 AM:
Nowata City County Library (West Room), 224 South Pine Street, Nowata, OK

Sat, July 27, 11:00 AM:
Delaware Community Center, 5100 Tuxedo Blvd., Bartlesville, OK

Explanations and Opinions: