Cobell Settlement Questions (Updated 1-5-2013)

The enrollment office has been inundated with calls this month regarding the Cobell Case settlement. As $1000 checks began to be sent to individuals across Indian Country many Delaware tribal members became curious as to who is qualified to receive this money and how to claim it. Our office has not been contacted at all by the BIA, Dept. of Interior, or the law firm handling the disbursements either to give instructions or to request individual recipient contact information, so the confusion and chaos is monumental. Through trial and error, personal experience, and consultation with various officials and attorneys, we have come up with the following abbreviated explanation of qualifications and a procedure for filing claims.


  • Historical Accounting Class- Had IIM account and received Indian Money between 1994 and 2009
  • Trust Administration Class- Had IIM account and received Indian Money between 1985 and 2009
  • Fractionated Trust Land- Everyone-identifying individuals who hold an interest in the ownership of a piece of trust land (attempt will be made to purchase this land from the individuals)
  • Heirs of those who would fall into any of these categories

We advise everyone to register and file a claim.


  1. Call the Office of the Special Trustee Beneficiary Call Center at 1-888-678-6836
    Obtain an IIM Account # (may need to know what year you received your Indian Money and the amount received)
  2. Go to
    File a claim electronically or print the form to file by mail
    May call to verify claim or to verify inclusion in classes

For a detailed notice of the settlement details please see or for frequently asked questions see