Dirty Bandanas: Repairs to Powwow Bleachers

The Delaware Tribe of Indians Cultural Preservation Committee (CPC) took on a project several years ago to restore the Delaware Pow Wow Grounds bleachers.

Over the years, the CPC has paid for repairs, and volunteers have replaced boards and painted. This year, the CPC assessed the bleachers and decided funds could be utilized to give a new coat of paint to the bleachers.

The CPC enlisted the help of a local volunteer organization called “The Dirty Bandanas.” The Dirty Bandanas helped paint all of the bleachers. The CPC also purchased some wood and the Dirty Bandanas constructed and painted several new arena benches.

The Dirty Bandanas is a Native American-based motorcycle club. They come from many tribes. The club’s intention is to create a positive and wholesome atmosphere for the Native American community, their members, their families, and the state and its communities. The club’s goal is to always promote a positive image for all Native American people.

The Dirty Bandanas offer manpower and service at no charge to any event or charitable cause that will benefit the Native American community and people of all tribes. However, they are not confined to or limited to only Tribal events. Any event will be considered and all efforts will be made to participate.

The Dirty Bandanas also enjoy recreational riding activities. They encourage anyone and everyone to join them for a short ride around the community, a day trip, or even, on occasion, a weekend trip.

We want to say WANISHI to the Dirty Bandanas for their service to the community, tribal and intertribal functions!!