Delaware Tribe of Indians Housing Program Seeks Bids For HVAC Projects
The Delaware Tribe of Indians Housing Program (DTIHP) is accepting sealed bids for the removal, replacement and installation of new HVAC systems in 86 affordable rental housing units located in Bartlesville, Chelsea, Claremore, and Foyil, OK. The housing
units range in size from 800-1,800 square feet and include one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom dwellings. In order to encourage competition and interest, the project will be divided as follows:
Area One includes Bartlesville which consists of 19 units. Area Two is located in Chelsea and consists of 25 units. Area Three is located in Chelsea and consists of 34 units. Area Four includes Claremore and Foyil and consists of eight units.
Interested parties should contact the DTIHP for a detailed IFB including site locations, job specifications, bonding requirements, bid forms, and other applicable requirements. Potential bidders may schedule an appointment to inspect individual units. The DTIHP will accept bids by Area. Interested parties may bid on one, two, three, or all four of the Project Areas. The DTIHP will select and award a contract for each Area. The DTIHP may also consolidate multiple Areas into one contract if the same bidder is awarded. The DTIHP shall award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with the DTI Policy and NAHASDA requirements. The deadline for submissions is 1:30 P.M. C.S.T. on June 1, 2022, at which time all sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Sealed bids may be submitted or delivered to the DTIHP office located at 5100 Tuxedo Blvd, Bartlesville, OK 74006. All submissions must be marked “Sealed Bid – DTIHP HVAC – Do Not Open”. For more information, interested parties should contact Jeff Blalock at (918) 337-6523. A detailed IFB packet is available and may be obtained free of charge at the above location. Due to the anticipated scope of work, and the responses received from a Request for Statements of Intent, this procurement is being conducted as an unrestricted solicitation. Indian preference requirements are applicable. The DTIHP reserves the right to reject any and all offers.