Congratulations Chief Justice Nathan Young III

Congratulations Chief Justice Nathan Young III
Due to the recent resignation of Chief Justice Don Mason, the Delaware Tribal Court requested the Tribal Council to appoint one of the Associate Justices as Chief Justice for the three-year balance of the Term. The Tribal Council appointed Nathan Young III at the December 19 Council meeting, and he was sworn in by Chief Brooks at the Friday December 22 Elder Nutrition Christmas Lunch.
Chief Justice Young is not a newcomer to the Delaware Tribe, having served four years on the Business Committee in the 1970s, four years on the Tribal Council (2012-2016), and serving as Associate Justice for the last 14 months.
The Delaware Tribe extends thanks to Don Mason for his five years service and wishes Nathan Young III great success as Chief Justice. This appointment of course leaves an open Associate Justice Seat for the next three years. Tribal members wishing to fill this empty Associate Justice Seat should express their interest and send their resume of qualifications to the Tribal Court or Tribal Council. ■