Calling All Artists …

DELAWARE TRIBAL MEMBERS… Are you an artist? Can you draw pencil or ink sketches of this quality (below)? The Tribal Center has a portrait series of Delaware Tribe Chairmen/Chiefs during most of the 20th century (from George Bullette to Lewis B. Ketchum). The examples shown here are Joe Bartles (1922-1951) and Bruce Townsend (1970-1978). We are seeking Delaware Tribal members to submit a sample sketch of any “head shot” of any person to demonstrate the quality of their art work. If selected the artist may be commissioned to produce a six-part series of portraits from Chiefs Curtis Zunigha (1994-98) through current Chief Chet Brooks.

Bartles 22_51 Townsend 70_78

Please submit your pencil or ink sketch drawing to:

Delaware Tribe of Indians
Cultural Resources Department
5100 Tuxedo Blvd
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Or email to: