Mike Pace (Xinkwilënu) Returns to Germany

By Jim Rementer

Two years ago former assistant chief Mike Pace was invited to Germany to tell Lenape stories at the Karl May Festival, At the time he had another commitment that caused him to return to the United States not long after the festival. But he said that sometime he would like to return to Germany for a vacation.

In June of this year Mike and his wife Ella were able to return for that vacation, accompanied by Jim Rementer. He found that once again he became a spokesman for his Delaware Tribe. Fortunately this is what Mike does on an almost daily basis in his job at the Conner Prairie Museum near Indianapolis.

One of the first events he was taken to on this trip was a medieval conference in Wallhalben, Germany, where he participated in a number of events. He was asked to talk a bit about his Delaware Tribe. He did so and also presented some Delaware dollars to the conference leaders. He was joined at the conference by a Cheyenne named Michael Running Wolf, Jr., and his fiancée Caroline Old Coyote, a Crow Indian who is one half German and fluent in the German language. They also gave talks about their tribes.

Toward the end of his vacation Mike was once again called upon to contribute to a documentary being made about Indian people. So, on the day he was leaving in the morning, we were taken to a small rustic area by a stream not too far from Munich where the interview was conducted.

The tribe should be proud of Mike and Ella, whose efforts to spread goodwill and cultural knowledge greatly expand the Tribe’s reputation. Wanishi to both of them, and to a good friend of the tribe, Robert Goetzenberger, for his help in making the trip arrangements!!


Michael and Caroline. Mike and Robert have a gift exchange.

Mike demonstrates the Delaware Bean Dance. Mike and Hans Traxel have a gift exchange.

Mike inspects the structure of an old building from the 1500s in Wil, Switzerland. Michael and Mike.

Suzanne attempting to get good audio for the video. The filming location.